#ZerothLawOfSemiotics • Discussion 3.1
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/12/14/zeroth-law-of-semiotics-discussion-3/
#Russell had no #PragmaticSemiotics so his perspective on signs and #SignRelations was mired in #Syntacticism, a species of #Nominalism. From #Peirce's POV we are able to ask, and we have to ask, what could it possibly mean for a sign to refer to itself? Indeed, do signs refer to themselves at all, or is it only that #Interpreters refer signs to their objects? The whole problem looks very different once we take that point of view.
#interpreters #Peirce #nominalism #syntacticism #SignRelations #pragmaticsemiotics #russell #ZerothLawOfSemiotics