Im letzten #Tuwort-Podcast mit Katja Politt (@lingucat) ging es um Gamification in der universitären Lehre.
Die Beta-Version von #Syntagma, einem Spiel zur Grammatik-Theorie, kann von heute bis zum nächsten Dienstag probegespielt werden!
Begebt euch auf eine syntaktisch-fantastische Reise durch das sagenumwobene Syntagma! Hier geht's los:
#tuwort #syntagma #gamedev #gamification
#Greece #Athens demonstration for the #generalstrike was also hit by the police at #syntagma square in front of the parliament #antireport
#greece #athens #generalstrike #syntagma #antireport
Ευτυχώς ρε μλκς μείναμε στην Ευρώπη και ζούμε με αξιοπρέπεια
Την Κυριακή δεν αποφασίζουμε απλά να μείνουμε στην Ευρώπη
Αποφασίζουμε να ζήσουμε με αξιοπρέπεια στην Ευρώπη #Syntagma #OXI #dimopsifisma
#dimopsifisma #oxi #syntagma #συριζα_ξεφτιλες
L'albero di Natale in piazza #Syntagma a Atene guardato da decine di antisommossa.
Lo fanno dal 6 Dicembre del 2008 quando l'albero venne bruciato nelle proteste in seguito all'assassinio di Alexis Grigoropoulos - 15 anni - da parte di un poliziotto nel quartiere di Exarchia.
Foto via Hibai Arbide Aza | twitter
#Athen: Bullen greifen Menschen im Stadtzentrum an, es kommen trotzdem immer noch viele Menschen zum #Syntagma - #koufontinas_hungerstrike #koufontinas_hunger_strike #Κουφοντινας #koufodinas_hunger_strike #antireport Video von @anticapitalist_ (Twiter)
#antireport #koufodinas_hunger_strike #κουφοντινας #koufontinas_hunger_strike #koufontinas_hungerstrike #syntagma #athen
#Athens: Cops attacking people in the city center, there are still many people arriving to #Syntagma - #koufontinas_hungerstrike #koufontinas_hunger_strike #Κουφοντινας #koufodinas_hunger_strike #antireport Video by
@anticapitalist_ (Twitter)
#antireport #koufodinas_hunger_strike #κουφοντινας #koufontinas_hunger_strike #koufontinas_hungerstrike #syntagma #athens
#Athens: Thousands of people started marching in solidarity with Dimitris #Koufontinas from #Syntagma square towards #Omonia. Video by #koufodinas_hunger_strike #koufontinas_hunger_strike #koufontinas_hungerstrike #Κουφοντινας #antireport
#athens #koufontinas #syntagma #Omonia #koufodinas_hunger_strike #koufontinas_hunger_strike #koufontinas_hungerstrike #κουφοντινας #antireport
Enough is Enough: **Statement #RefugeesGR: Now Also Hunger Strike at #Syntagma in #Athens**
"In the past days we reported about the ongoing hunger strike for the freedom of movement on Lesvos. Today eleven refugees started a hunger strike during a protest at Syntagma square in Athens, Greece. Image: Protesting refugees on Sy…"
#refugeesgr #syntagma #athens #Anarchism