alright, here we go:
this is a straight recording, just my MSW-810 synth and the tape delay, no other effects. gets a bit loud at places, be warned. and at around 3:45, I turn the synth off entirely and just play with the tape machine directly, so if you're just here for pretty synth tones, you can stop there.
Ok, tape machine fixed, and speed control modified.
Aaaaaaaand now the tape echo eurorack module I built years ago in preparation for fixing and modifying this tape machine seems to be not quite working. 😖
The good news though is that the basic echo functionality seems to work. I get sound in, a delayed out…just the feedback seems to be not working.
Putting together a batch of DIY kits for my xVox four-voice pitch shifter this week. This is a short video of some patches made with xVox and a minimal case of just 4 other modules (including an output mixer).
#eurorackmodular #synthdiy #eurorack #eurorackmodules
#euroracksynth #eurorackcommunity
#eurorackcommunity #euroracksynth #eurorackmodules #eurorack #synthdiy #eurorackmodular
Happy #WorkbenchWednesday to all those who celebrate. This week, I learned how to resize traces in EasyEDA and did a test run at 0.7 mm. Haven’t done continuity tests on every trace, but I’m guessing that this is going to be a smidge too narrow. Still, good progress.
Q: Why are you spending so much time on milling when you can get five perfect boards from JLCPCB in a week?” A: I want to get the hang of milling a known-good layout before I attempt something of my own design. #synthDIY
Here's the system I'll be taking tonight to introduce some friends of mine and their kids to modular synthesis - I think I should be able to get through a lot of fun concepts and ways to make blips and bloops. Not pictured, a ukulele, a microphone, some speakers, and many many many cables. 🎸🎤🎛️🎚️🔊🎶
#modularsynth #synthdiy #synth #eurorack
It’s #WorkbenchWednesday! What’s on your #synthDIY bench today?
I put together a new, smaller Gerber for testing circuit board milling params on my 3020-PRO Max. I think I can comfortably mill traces down to 0.7 mm wide with a 0.1 mm, 15 degree V bit at 0.07 mm depth. Now I need to go back to the LFO Gerber and see if I can widen the traces.
Accidentally launched a 2N3904 transistor into orbit while clipping it off the cardboard strip. Luckily I have spares.
#synthdiy #electronics
I made a #MIDI controller with an #Arduino nano to get more dials for controlling my #OCaml software #synthesizer.
#midi #arduino #ocaml #synthesizer #modularsynthesizer #synthdiy #functionalprogramming
I updated the design and software of my MIDI USB footswitch (for MPC, or with a bit of tweaking, anything) to be easier to build and to use a microcontroller you can actually buy:
#synthdiy #mpc #midi
OK, this is coming out more nicely this draft.
#eurorack #synthdiy #casettefuturism
#eurorack #synthdiy #casettefuturism
I'm going to laser cut a rack for two more rows of modules above my keyboard. Prototyped in cardboard today, feeling pretty good about it #synthdiy
Lost several hours of my life tracking down a weird bug where an #RP2040 based USB #MIDI device wasn't recognised by the #MPC One. I eventually solved it by shortening the product name. The limit is supposed to be 31 characters, but the MPC doesn't seem to like more than 10. I think there's more to this bug than just the length, though.
This week I built my two first DIY eurorack modules: Wavefolder and Output from Erica Synths. This was fun, like building Lego. I just ordered the VCO and VCF modules from the same series, and those probably won't be my last builds.
Byte Sex!
Reading some old computer music literature I come across the term “byte sex", for what I call “endianness”.
“negative byte sex” is little endian, which also reflects my feelings about it.
We are amused.
Hey, it’s #WorkbenchWednesday! I assembled and tested my buffered mixer today. The output level seems low, so I may mess with the resistor values to change the opamp gain. Probably should measure the peak output before I plug it into the mixer, too. #synthdiy
Done with a DIY Elements build - well, it's pretty, but unfortunately completely dead. No solder problems detected, and supposedly came with the controller pre-flashed. Who knows? There's very little information about building these available, so I'll probably let it sit for a while before trying my hand at seeing if it was *actually* pre-flashed, or reflowing solder joints. Can't win em all on the first try! #synthdiy #diy #mutableinstruments
#mutableinstruments #diy #synthdiy