The Linear Night Market Semi-Annual Fire Sale show, 'bout a half hour long. Starts in half an hour.
#musodon #noise #eurorack #monome #fire #experimentalmusic #vhs #synthfluencer #musicgear #synth #videoart #electronicmusic
#musodon #noise #eurorack #monome #fire #experimentalmusic #vhs #synthfluencer #musicgear #synth #videoart #electronicmusic
How Wendy Carlos (who recorded the soundtrack for the movie "Clockwork Orange" and a lot more) became one of the most influential pioneers of electronic music
#synths #synthfluencer #filmscore #wendycarlos
@Music_From_The_80ies NGL, only time I even think of getting a physical synth is when I see #synthfluencer s showing one off. Otherwise I'm good with my keystation mini and vsts.
Ya'll deserve something for your trouble, I think
Interesting article about musicians putting lots of work into videos explaining electronic instruments for nothing but the free hard/software in return. Difficult situation. If you receive money from the company that sells the instrument, you are not neutral anymore..
But, as producer Jeremy Blake says in the article: "I can't pay my mortgage with a drum machine".
#synths #synthfluencer #reviews #tutorials