How in the world is an #ISP like #Spectrum deploying routers that a) only allow configuration from a mobile app and b) don't let you change the LAN IP. #SysAdminNightmares
Sure, let me reconfigure the entire business network because you swapped out their router yesterday and didn't ensure they had the same LAN numbering. Where do I send the bill? 🤬 #MSP #InfoTech #Internet
#isp #spectrum #sysadminnightmares #MSP #InfoTech #internet
This is the stuff of #SysAdminNightmares We moved our office ~4 years ago. Just down the street. So we grabbed our cable modem and plugged it in at new office - worked great. Paying bill couple weeks ago happened to notice the old address still listed. Whoops. Forgot to tell them - ok. So I call and tell #Spectrum I need to update service address. Everything works great. "Oh well you might be somehow using the old person's service, so we need to send a tech out. It'll cost $99" #MSP #InfoTech
#sysadminnightmares #spectrum #MSP #InfoTech
I mean... Completely disabling Microsoft Office along with all AppData located programs IS an Attack Surface Reduction. Right? 🤷♂️
#microsoft #sysadminnightmares #fridaythe13th #InfoTech
So maybe NOW you'll change all those passwords that #LastPass flagged as compromised or duplicated for the past year 🤔
#lastpass #infosec #InfoTech #sysadminnightmares
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... they got the #LastPass vaults (all of them? Some of them?). Still encrypted, but... They know what sites you had stored and your main email address so... That's not great. #InfoSec #MSP #SysAdmins #SysAdminNightmares
#lastpass #infosec #MSP #sysadmins #sysadminnightmares
@VModifiedMind @pete_wright @EvieAlways @SamJSharpe If there's any small silver lining to this #RackSpace disaster, is that it might help convince users/clients the cloud is not an inherent back up. That your data needs to be routinely and securely backed up, no matter where it is stored. That's been a very hard sell up until now. #SysAdmins #MSPs #InfoSec #Backups #SysAdminNightmares
#rackspace #sysadmins #msps #infosec #backups #sysadminnightmares
There's a special place in the underworld for contractors who drive staples into network cables and then yank it out to put it 1" away from the puncture. 🤬 #SysAdmins #SysAdminNightmares #InfoTech #MSP
#sysadmins #sysadminnightmares #InfoTech #MSP
As a palette cleanser after the #SysAdminNightmares I posted last night... This is one of the cooler looking gaming rigs we've worked on. #InfoTech #Gaming #SysAdmin #MSP
#sysadminnightmares #InfoTech #gaming #sysadmin #MSP
Difficult to tell here but that’s me… planned between a server half rack and very large printer. I was re-cabling the rack then an office worker tripped and fell into the rack, knocking it over. Lucky my thigh caught the Dell VNX storage device befor it hit the ground…. It took about an hour before they could get me out. #sysadmin #sysadminnightmares
The network melted on the server 😵 If you've never been in a burned bldg, the smell permeates EVERYthing. We bagged up the server & took to the lab. Smell almost knocked us over so we took it outside to get the drives. We had full VHDX backups, but size and time. Amazingly, the drives survived. We were able to copy the guest images off to another server. Had them back online in temp space next day running off generator until power co got them on. 3/3
#SysAdminNightmares #SysAdmin #MSP #InfoTech
#sysadminnightmares #sysadmin #MSP #InfoTech
This client had DSL that always went down. We'd get alerts when it dropped & they'd sigh when we called. "The DSL light was red again..." So one morning they were down & I called to joke that their DSL was cursed. "Well, you could say that, but this time it's not the DSL. We need you here ASAP" Their file room caught fire and the office layout created a fire vortex that blasted the alcove pretty hard. This was their nice new network afterward. 2/3
#sysadminnightmares #sysadmin #MSP #InfoTech
Not sure why I'm on a fiery #SysAdminNightmares kick tonight - I blame @j 😎
So we onboarded a client who was still running Server 2000 and WinXP... Over 10Base2 Coax. ☠️ Their app worked for them 🤷♂️ So we rewired the entire office & upgraded their server/workstations. Gigabit Ethernet, Security Gateway, the whole works (well except the PBX because.. budget). Small office - everything was in a small alcove - it turned out nice. Server sat on a raised platform below. 1/3
#sysadminnightmares #sysadmin #MSP #InfoTech
Needless to say - it's a good thing PCs are big metal boxes - this could have been VERY bad.
#sysadminnightmares #sysadmins #MSP #InfoTech
So we had a machine come in from a client for repair. We ran some diags and left it on the bench running updates. Next morning the lab smelled ... odd. There were black flaky strands all over the place. But we had no clue - it didn't smell burnt, just odd. Only when we opened this PC for something else we found...
#sysadminnightmares #sysadmins #MSP #InfoTech
@mspsadmin That's quite the clean up you did there. We had something similar (although I've just realised this was 5 years ago). I was lucky enough to be able replace all their kit which was a bonus
Sadly I have a lot of these pics (as I am sure you do), we should get a #SysAdminNightmares hashtag up and running 🤣 #msp