「Microsoft Sysmon が実行可能ファイルの作成を検出するようになりました」: BLEEPINGCOMPUTER
「Microsoft は Sysmon 15 をリリースし、保護されたプロセスに変換し、実行可能ファイルの作成時にログを記録する新しい「FileExecutableDetected」オプションを追加しました。 」
#prattohome #microsoft #windows #sysmon #更新
Humbled by the overwhelming response to my latest blog series, "So you want to be a SOC analyst?"
I had a lot of fun building this hands-on lab guide to help folks get some practical experience with tools like #Sliver, #Sysmon, and @limacharlieio EDR.
Part 1 - Set up a small virtualization environment (2 small VMs)
Part 2 - Put on your adversary hat, it's time to make (and observe) some noise
Part 3 - Emulating an adversary for crafting detections
for any other @limacharlieio nerds out there, example D&R rule for deploying sysmon to windows systems 🌈
this assumes you have already uploaded 2 payloads to the org--the sysmon exe and the xml config file
#sysmon #sysinternals #limacharlie
Need help getting started with #sysmon?
Check out our Youtube video at:
Zwar auf der Sysinternals-Webseite noch nicht ersichtlicht, aber #Microsoft hat einige neue Versionen seiner Tools veröffentlich, u.a. #sysmon, mit dem ich mich gerade täglich beschäftigte.
RT @securityonion@twitter.com
ICYMI last week we released #SecurityOnion 2.3.200!
It's a great way to collect, visualize, and hunt through the #Sysmon logs in your environment!
As always, thanks to @markrussinovich@twitter.com and team for #Sysmon!
#DFIR https://twitter.com/securityonion/status/1615380508703178752
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/securityonion/status/1617625514356928513
#securityonion #sysmon #infosec #infosecurity #cybersecurity #threathunting #dfir
Nota mental para mi yo del futuro: cuando estás toqueteando varias versiones de #Sysmon, NO renombres el binario para diferenciar las versiones, pq Windows creará un servicio con el nombre del binario, y luego para desinstalar se/te/nos volveremos todos locos! 🤪
RT @securityonion@twitter.com
#SecurityOnion 2.3.200 now available including Sysmon Improvements, Dashboard Updates, and Elastic 8.5.3!
Thanks to @markrussinovich@twitter.com and team for #Sysmon!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/securityonion/status/1615380508703178752
#SecurityOnion 2.3.200 now available including #Sysmon Improvements, Dashboard Updates, and Elastic 8.5.3!
We often use Sysmon to log system activity on Windows, but what if we are using Linux?
You can use:
1. SysmonForLinux: https://github.com/Sysinternals/SysmonForLinux
2. Audiod: https://linux.die.net/man/8/auditd
Unfortunately, SysmonForLinux is still limited to a few events and they can not log all activities such as DNSEvent (EventID 22).
Let me know what you're using for Linux.
#sysmon #sysmonforlinux #cybersecurity
Logging ohne adäquat konfigurierte Datenquellen ist möglich, aber sinnlos!
(Zitat: Loriot ... oder so 😉)
Da ich gerade einige entsprechende Anpassungen an unseren #Windows Servern vornehme, hier der Hinweis auf ein extrem nützliches Skript von #hayabusa, um Windows Event Logs so einzurichten, damit #threathunting oder einfach nur Serverüberwachung wirklich Sinn macht:
#sysmon #dfir #infosec #threathunting #hayabusa #windows
ok , i want to share something for #Blueteamers about "#chatgpt " or "#Youdotcom" #ai websites how much is good/helpful for you and how you can use them to make your own #defensive tools (very fast) but always as #developer you will have your own #bugs so you need work hard on these things , i will create article about this but in this post i will show you with very basic steps you can make your own C# or C++ tools for [Remote thread injection Detection] as you can see in "you.com", my search for monitoring #sysmon event-log [#realtime ] via c# for two EID 8,25 (but you need process creation/network connection event ids too) and our search result have two codes which both have same result, so now with #csharp you can detect these event (king of real-time) also you need Memory scanner which my simple search result was something like this pic but i did not test that (for sure, is working or not) i had my own #memoryscanner tools and C# codes ;D , ...
note : sometimes these codes in these AI platforms which made by others is better than your own old codes so you can replace them (for example for memory scanner i will test this simple code which seems is better and faster than some of part of my own codes ;D but should test in my LAB for sure..)
and finally you can see my own Blue-teaming "SysPM2Mon2.7.exe" tools (which background of code was something like these steps in these pictures but my memory scanner is "Pe-sieve.exe" + my own C# code for Memory scanner, i had 2 memory scanners in this tool ;D)
so as you can see As #Pentester and #SecurityResearcher i made my own Blue-teaming tools (#opensource which is available in my github) so you can do same things with your own IDEA , but now with these #ai "Chatgpt" , "YOU.COM" , ... websites you can make them faster and much better...
i will create an article about this but i am working on my things and research about my new ebook also some codes for ebook, so i am very busy to make article now but i will create that ;)
#blueteam #redteam #pentesting #securityresearch #defensive #ai #chatgpt #youdotcom
#blueteamers #chatgpt #youdotcom #ai #defensive #developer #bugs #sysmon #realtime #csharp #memoryscanner #pentester #securityresearcher #opensource #blueteam #redteam #pentesting #securityresearch
What do y'all think about a #C2 detection series including #SecurityOnion and #Velociraptor, illustrating the compliments and differences of host and network-based detection and response?
#c2 #securityonion #velociraptor #bruteratel #cobaltstrike #dfir #esm #havoc #infosec #nsm #sliver #sysmon
RT @malmoeb
If an attacker runs #Bloodhound without the parameter "ZipFileName", the default results file is named "<timestamp>_BloodHound.zip". Defenders can use #Sysmon to monitor file creation events to detect potential attackers on the network.
I still have not found the answer to this and it would be great use to so many if there is an answer.
What is the Event ID for when a Volume Shadow Copy gets deleted? I know #Sysmon can show you this, but is there anything else? #DFIR #DigitalForensics #SOC #SIEM #BlueTeam #malware
#sysmon #dfir #digitalforensics #soc #siem #blueteam #malware
I still have not found the answer to this and it would be great use to so many if there is an answer.
What is the Event ID for when a Volume Shadow Copy gets deleted? I know #Sysmon can show you this, but is there anything else? #DFIR #DigitalForensics #SOC #SIEM #BlueTeam #malware
#sysmon #dfir #digitalforensics #soc #siem #blueteam #malware
Updated our sysmon-config template to System Monitor (Sysmon) v14.13 and schema v4.82:
#sysmon #sysinternals #microsoft
SysmonEoP, Proof of Concept for arbitrary file delete/write in Sysmon. #sysmon
A lo mejor no te has enterado, pero hace un par de días salió una PoC para la vulnerabilidad de #Sysmon de escalada de privilegios: https://github.com/Wh04m1001/SysmonEoP La vulnerabilidad afecta a la capacidad de capturar el portapapeles (aka clipboard) (1/n)