Da bin ich froh, den Windows-Server/Domänencontroller/ActiveDirectory endlich los zu sein, und dann entdecke ich, daß da noch eine #Nextcloud per #LDAP dranhängt.
Und die dumme Nextcloud bietet mir keine Möglichkeit, die LDAP-User in lokale User umzuwandeln, wenn LDAP nicht läuft. Die nötigen Infos wären ja lokal da.
Ich soll mich doch jetzt nicht ernsthaft hinsetzen, einen neuen Windows-Server mit AD aufsetzen und die User-Daten aus dem Backup einspielen?
#nextcloud #ldap #sysop #sysadmin
→ Und was sich durchaus gut angefühlt hat:
Das System, daß ich (wir) damals für Backup und Snapshots gebaut hatten, funktionierte tadellos, und die Skripte waren so gut durchdacht, daß ich sie für die notwendigen Updates etc nutzen konnte.
Die (konzeptionelle) Arbeit damals hat sich gelohnt!
Leute, macht #Backups!
(noone wants backups, everyone wants restore)
[2023-09-10 18:37:48]: krull just split from node 3 faster than a banana #retrocomputing #bbs #bail #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #bail #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-10 18:15:08]: krull just logged into node 3 with the EInstEIn-rOsEn brIdgE theme #retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-10 18:08:59]: krull just logged into node 1 with the EInstEIn-rOsEn brIdgE theme #retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-10 13:39:03]: A new updated list of ZeroTier enabled nodes has just been posted! #retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet #ZeroTier
#retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet #zerotier
[2023-09-09 03:35:44]: zayd just logged into node 1 with the EInstEIn-rOsEn brIdgE theme #retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-08 13:37:02]: Come and visit thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE BBS. Using SyncTERM or just plain old telnet connect to bbs.erb.pw port 23. #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-08 13:37:02]: qUAntUm RaDio! More bang than a supernova. https://radio.erb.pw #bbs #sysop #chiptunes #internetradio #podcast #demoscene #artscene #tqwNet #qUAntUmRaDio
#bbs #sysop #chiptunes #internetradio #podcast #demoscene #artscene #tqwnet #quantumradio
[2023-09-07 06:06:06]: DaveW has just logged out of node 3 #retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-07 05:51:19]: DaveW just logged into node 3 with the EInstEIn-rOsEn brIdgE theme #retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-06 19:28:25]: penemy just logged into node 1 with the EInstEIn-rOsEn brIdgE theme #retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-06 15:17:08]: onky just split from node 1 faster than a banana #retrocomputing #bbs #bail #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #bail #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-06 15:04:35]: onky just logged into node 1 with the EInstEIn-rOsEn brIdgE theme #retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-06 05:32:56]: Server has just restarted and is now ready for connections #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-05 11:33:28]: shandEE just split from node 2 faster than a banana #retrocomputing #bbs #bail #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #bail #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-05 11:26:10]: shandEE just logged into node 2 with the EInstEIn-rOsEn brIdgE theme #retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-04 23:16:12]: Dunsen just split from node 2 faster than a banana #retrocomputing #bbs #bail #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #bail #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-04 23:12:58]: mark_i just logged into node 3 with the EInstEIn-rOsEn brIdgE theme #retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet
[2023-09-04 23:03:26]: Dunsen just logged into node 2 with the EInstEIn-rOsEn brIdgE theme #retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwNet
#retrocomputing #bbs #sysop #mysticbbs #tqwnet