Same, but zoomed out a bit showing the whole #synth. Frame is made of red oak, stained. So much space, I even have an envelope with documentation on all components and all modifications I made (envelope sitting on top of the #modular #synthesizer in the picture). #synthdiy #music #electronica #Hammond #reverb #system100m #Roland #behringer #eurorack
#eurorack #behringer #roland #system100m #reverb #hammond #electronica #music #synthdiy #synthesizer #modular #synth
Inside detail of my eurorack System 100m 191J replica. To organize the wiring, I use Velcro straps (in yellow) and some plastic clips I made that are bolted to the back of the vector rail.
#Modular #synthdiy #eurorack #synth #system100m #Roland #behringer #synthesizer
#synthesizer #behringer #roland #system100m #synth #eurorack #synthdiy #modular
A Golden #Jupiter And Other Stories - 50 Years Of The #RolandCorporation
#RolandKeyboards #RolandJupiter #RolandJupiterKeyboard #RolandJupiterKeyboards
#RolandJuno #RolandJuno6 #Juno6 #RolandJunoKeyboard #RolandJunoKeyboards #RolandSyatem100 #System100 #RolandSystem100M #System100M #RolandTB303 #TB303 #Roland #AlexBall
#alexball #roland #tb303 #rolandtb303 #system100m #rolandsystem100m #system100 #rolandsyatem100 #rolandjunokeyboards #rolandjunokeyboard #juno6 #rolandjuno6 #RolandJuno #rolandjupiterkeyboards #rolandjupiterkeyboard #rolandjupiter #rolandkeyboards #rolandcorporation #jupiter