HackRead: South African Power Supplier Hit by DroxiDat Malware https://www.hackread.com/south-african-power-supplier-droxidat-malware/ #CyberAttacks #CobaltStrike #CyberAttack #SouthAfrica #Security #DroxiDat #security #SystemBC #Malware
#cyberattacks #cobaltstrike #cyberattack #southafrica #security #droxidat #systembc #malware
New-to-me malware family, #SystemBC - https://twitter.com/anyrun_app/status/1620342401750409217
Found commonalities between #SystemBC observables following a #ransomware incident.
Observed the following contacted domains that are tagged as newly registered:
Ryuk, Egregor Ransomware Attacks Leverage SystemBC Backdoor - In the past few months researchers have detected hundreds of attempted SystemBC deployments global... https://threatpost.com/ryuk-egregor-ransomware-systembc-backdoor/162333/ #ransomwareattack #cobaltstrike #socks5proxy #ransomware #backdoor #systembc #malware #egregor #hacks #qbot #ryuk #tor
#tor #ryuk #qbot #hacks #egregor #malware #systembc #backdoor #ransomware #socks5proxy #cobaltstrike #ransomwareattack