Wanted to share a recent project of mine from past few weeks to turn my #nanopi r5s #sbc into a really potent pure debian Linux router that was sane to manage.
I was able to successfully switch over this weekend and retire my edgerouter-6p.
The formula is basically #ansible #systemd stuff #netplan #dnsmasq #frrouting and #foomuuri -- the lynchpin solution for sanely doing robust zone-to-zone firewalls using #nftables
Repo linked below has more details:
#nanopi #sbc #ansible #systemd #netplan #dnsmasq #frrouting #foomuuri #nftables
After updating some code that was using libudev to the more modern API replacement sd-device, part of systemd; I wrote a simple example code and a post; just in case you are interested on this.
@millihertz @SweetAIBelle @retronianne I just don't see a reason to use #emacs over #ne, #nano or even #vim.
Not to mention that people who say some bs about "#Unix #Principle" but then use basically a #TUI-#Desktop with #email client, #filemanager and #editor rolled up in one kinda discredits them...
#systemd - like #wayland - fixes a shitton of issues noone else wanted to fix.
SystemD-Haters and Emacs fans are basically the same people AFAICS and they also tend to be toxic Stallmanists...
#wayland #systemd #editor #filemanager #Email #Desktop #tui #principle #Unix #VIM #nano #ne #eMacs
@SweetAIBelle @retronianne You know what really boggles my mind are people who hate #systemd but then love #emacs...
Cuz the latter one is more bloated than the former!
They're not so scary after all.
Had to setup a new Linux VM to test some software yesterday. I decided to go with #Debian bookworm as it was listed as a supported platform. Install was smooth but configuration and admin turned out to be a real pain. I forgot how much I absolutely hate #systemd. Booting and managing services on a unix system should not be so complicated. I'm crawling back into my #gentoo + #openrc cave to hide away from the mess that "modern" Linux has become.
#debian #systemd #gentoo #openrc
#h4ckssed Nueva Entrada: Configurar dirección IP estática en Gnu/Linux #sysadmin #linux #nmcli #systemd #debian #archlinux #rockylinux
#h4ckssed #sysadmin #linux #nmcli #systemd #debian #archlinux #RockyLinux
Mashing Enter to bypass full disk encryption with #TPM, Clevis, dracut and #systemd
I still learn new shit about #systemd all the damn time. I just learned about "~/.config/systemd/user" and timers and shit. I still use crontab. WHAT A FOSSIL.
I started to working on a systemd to dinit converter for more smooth switch between systemd and dinit, Here's project: https://github.com/mobin-2008/systemd_to_dinit_converter
It's still WIP (missing a good guide for example) but worth a try. PRs and Issues are welcome 😁
Ich bin so froh, dass mit #systemd v197 predictable network interface names eingeführt wurde. Wirklich.
Meine USB3 Ethernet-Adapter heißen jetzt nämlich z.B. einfach "enx00e04c680175" und nicht "eth1".
Letzteres könnte ich mir schlicht überhaupt nicht merken!
(Und ja, es gibt Szenarien, in denen es sicher sinnvoll ist. Ich warte noch auf ein solches 😉)
@lobocode Oh, I'm not strictly against replacing #mewburnrc by something NOT relying on shell scripting, possibly integrated with #init. That probably makes sense.
The thing is, I still have the strong feeling that #systemd is "doing it wrong".
Regarding the "multitasking power" argument, I don't think that's directly tied here, you *could* solve this with scripting as well. Instead of just deducing an order (like mewburnrc does), you "just" need a real dependency graph.
But of course, moving away from shell scripting has the potential to give both better reliability and performance. But then, please take the time for a design of some portable, unintrusive and standardized interface between daemons and init systems 😉
@lobocode On the one hand, #FreeBSD never suffered the brokenness of #sysvinit. It uses a minimalistic init with a quite well-designed rc-system: #mewburnrc. Sure that's still based on shell-scripting, but at least it comes with a sane framework making your typical init-script short, maintainable and correct.
On the *other* hand, at least for me, whenever I have to deal with #systemd, it feels ill-designed.
Just a little example, I recently wrote quite a few daemons. There's a simple "interface" allowing an init-system to know when a daemon is really "up", exactly when its first (parent) process exits with a successful exit code. With systemd, the default mode of operation is "don't care" (started and not died yet is good enough), and if you want to inform systemd when the service is ready, the recommendation is to implement some systemd-specific startup notification API. No, thanks.
#freebsd #sysvinit #mewburnrc #systemd
Arch Linux & Secure Boot: Unified Kernel Image (UKI) mit systemd-ukify erstellen & signieren
#archlinux #systemd #unifiedkernelimage #secureboot
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Betanews: Debian-based antiX-23 (Arditi del Popolo) is the Systemd-free Linux experience of your dreams https://betanews.com/2023/08/30/antix-23-debian-bookworm-systemd-free-linux-distro-review/ #secureremoteconnection #open-sourcecomputing #command-lineapps #DebianBookworm #elogind-free #systemd-free #LibreOffice #Linuxdistro #antiX-23 #Article #IceWM
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