Countless reports show water is undrinkable in many Indigenous communities. Why has nothing changed?

We're not even taking lead, more like the "drinking water contained unacceptable levels of uranium, arsenic, fluoride and nitrate"...

#systemicabuse #SystemicRacismBS #lateStageCaptialism

Last updated 2 years ago

Hugs4friends ♾ · @Tooden
515 followers · 7523 posts · Server

It's important for people to realise that there as many forms of bullying, as there are of DV/FV. It can be , as well as & .

Most of these can be - and are - used by children against children, adults against children, adults against adults, and authorities against civilians.

is an obvious form of bullying, and something most people (including children) recognise. is also recognisable, but less obvious. It is more noticeable in the victims' responses to certain actions, or sights.

#soapbox #deprivation #rejection #emotionalblackmail #financial #abuseofauthority #physical #mental #intimidation #systemicabuse #breakthecycle #stopbullying #stopinstitutionalisedabuse

Last updated 2 years ago