I've written a short piece called "The Unsolved Bit of Murder Mysteries". It's about transformative justice and the crime genre, through a discussion of Glass Onion. It's part of my ongoing work on social change and narrative design.
I welcome your thoughts! :)
#narrativedesign #transformativejustice #murdermystery #genre #crimegenre #glassonion #screenwriting #SystemicChange
#narrativedesign #transformativejustice #murdermystery #genre #crimegenre #glassonion #screenwriting #systemicchange
How to Reject Division and Embrace Belonging https://bioneers.org/how-to-reject-division-and-embrace-belonging-zmaz2306/ #otheringandbelonginginstitute #ecologicalrestoration #indigenousleadership #IndigenousKnowledge #systemicchange #climatechange #RacialJustice #SocialJustice #systemschange #newsletter #belonging #diversity #Activism #Justice
#justice #activism #diversity #belonging #newsletter #systemschange #socialjustice #racialjustice #climatechange #systemicchange #indigenousknowledge #indigenousleadership #ecologicalrestoration #otheringandbelonginginstitute
Captured by vested interests? - Confronting state capture
“Collectively we are driving Earth and civilisation towards #collapse. Human activities have exceeded #PlanetaryBoundaries. We are changing the climate, losing #biodiversity, degrading land, contaminating freshwater, and damaging the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles upon which we all depend.”
But “decision-makers and influencers are captured by #VestedInterests.”
“Confronting #StateCapture involves reversing several undemocratic practices. Of particular concern is the funding of political parties by corporate interests as well as the revolving-door jobs between government and #CorporateInterests.”
Working together for a stronger #democracy
#EcologicalEconomicsTransition #SystemicChange #LifeSupportSystem #Biosphere #EnvironmentalDestruction #SocialJustice #Climate #RapidClimateMitigation #CitizenAction
#collapse #planetaryboundaries #biodiversity #vestedinterests #statecapture #corporateinterests #democracy #ecologicaleconomicstransition #systemicchange #lifesupportsystem #biosphere #environmentaldestruction #socialjustice #climate #rapidclimatemitigation #citizenaction
14pgs for committing to anti racism, specifically anti-Black discrimination in urban work. #TRC57 #policy #systemicChange #cdnpoli #cdn #municipals
So much respect to Jay Pitter.
#trc57 #policy #systemicchange #cdnpoli #cdn #municipals
💯She is so so right! “There is, in reality, absolutely no reason to believe that the necessary changes will make us less happy or less satisfied. If we manage to do this right, then our lives will be given more meaning…”
#ClimateChange #GretaThunberg #Climate#Crisis #values #meaning #change #SystemicChange
#systemicchange #change #meaning #values #climate #gretathunberg #climatechange
“It is not the fault of the slaveholder that he is cruel, so much as it is the fault of the system under which he lives.”
- Solomon Northrup
He goes on to talk about the Law and Culture in which slaveowners lived their entire lives, and I think it's the earliest example I've seen of someone confronting Slavery as a #Systemic issue in need of #SystemicChange, especially since these systems (#WhiteSupremacy, etc) still persist to this day.
Gonna mull on this for a while...
#whitesupremacy #systemicchange #systemic
There was a soft drink distributor called Slades that had local bottlers in each area. They’d take empty bottles back, clean them and reuse them without having to recycle them into new bottles — which is way more energy intensive and complicated, and done in very few locations, which means high transport costs too.
I know of one dairy in the state that does returnable milk bottles, but what about things like yoghurt, hummus, or vinegar? Yeah I could (and do, on and off) make my own yoghurt and hummus and even apple cider vinegar. But we shouldn’t all need to make *everything* from scratch. More to the point, we *can’t* if we’re dealing with the exigencies of living under late capitalism and don’t have at least one person per household working full time on that stuff.
I don’t know where I’m going with this. I still want to do as much as I can individually, within my own means and energy levels, because that’s the sort of home I want to live in. But I also want it to get easier for everyone (including me), and that means #SystemicChange.
In practical terms that means stuff like:
- Advocating for bottle return/reuse schemes (if your state doesn’t have one)
- Limiting the power of the supermarket duopoly (Coles and Woolworths)
- Deep systemic support for #SmallFarms, food processors and retailers
- Policies that support work/life balance
- Reducing #IncomeInequality so more people have access to all this
Anyway I should get back to my Sundar arvo cooking.
#systemicchange #smallfarms #incomeinequality #foodsovereignty
There’s quite a long list of plastics we’ll probably never manage to avoid on our own part, without going to extreme lengths to procure them plastic-free.
- plastic milk bottles
- plastic bags or wrappers for certain supermarket foods (eg. blocks of cheese, gluten free items for the coeliac in the house) or bulk foods (eg. some teas and spices, the goon bag that our olive oil comes in.)
- plastic bags/wrappers for pet foods and cat litter
- medication bottles and blister packs
- toothpaste tubes and electric toothbrush heads
- containers from other personal care and hygiene items, like my housemate’s shampoo which she’s unlikely to give up
- containers from the occasional takeaway meal
- all the packaging that comes with buying things online
There are also some jars and bottles that we can’t really reuse, especially some condiment bottles with awkward lids.
But the point isn’t so much about how EXTREME!!!11! we can be as individuals/as a household. The thing is, we need #SystemicChange so all this stuff isn’t so hard.
I learned a while ago that #CocaCola was instrumental in encouraging #PlasticRecycling, so that it didn’t have to use (more expensive) glass bottles. Our local dairy doesn’t do milk in glass, and while I could get it from further away via the wholefoods coop, I’d rather support local. But even with recycling glass, Australia has problems. When I was a kid, we had returnable, reusable glass bottles for some things…
#systemicchange #cocacola #plasticrecycling
@PIK_climate Indeed. People in the position of really knowing & crafting the calls to action are failing in their motivational quest thru pure linguistics alone.
Not #ClimateCrisis > #PlanetaryCrisis.
Even #LifeasUsualCrisis.
Not #HumanRights > #HumanExtinction.
Imperative to translate #science into mainstream values + vice versa…w/ goal of xforming mainstream values. #UTOK #SystemsChange #SystemicChange #sciencecomms
#sciencecomms #systemicchange #SystemsChange #utok #Science #humanextinction #HumanRights #lifeasusualcrisis #PlanetaryCrisis #ClimateCrisis
#PersonalSupportWorker wins fight to stay in #Canada with daughter after #DeportationOrder suddenly #reversed — Fatumah Najjuma can now tell daughter 'storm is over,' but adds #SystemicChange needed
#systemicchange #Reversed #deportationorder #Canada #personalsupportworker
When the problems facing us are so massive and systemic, how can we ever hope to address them as individuals? Adam Conover and Ruha Benjamin talk about how to do large scale change.
#politics #AdamConover #RuhaBenjamin #factuallypodcast #systemicchange #viraljustice
#politics #adamconover #ruhabenjamin #factuallypodcast #systemicchange #viraljustice
Happy New Year! I know you might be hungover as you are reading this column. However, I won’t be gentle today. We will start the year with a concept so bizarre, outrageous one might say, that it will make you forget your hangover right away: today I will be praising politicians for things they’ve done in 2022.
Read my full column here (no pay wall):
#auspol #politicians #demographics #systemicchange
This is news from all over the planet about real fights for systemic change, and I hope that it uplifts and inspires you.
#GoodNews #PositiveNews #SystemicChange #revolution
#goodnews #positivenews #systemicchange #revolution
'In a historic ruling today, a Queensland court has said the massive Clive Palmer-owned Galilee Basin coal project should not go ahead because of its contribution to climate change, its environmental impacts, and because it would erode human rights...heralding a new era for climate change cases in Australia by youth activists...' #betterfutures #culturaltransformation #decolonizing #systemicchange #futuresthinking #alternativeenergy #firstnations
#firstnations #alternativeenergy #FuturesThinking #systemicchange #decolonizing #culturaltransformation #betterfutures
'In a historic ruling today, a Queensland court has said the massive Clive Palmer-owned Galilee Basin coal project should not go ahead because of its contribution to climate change, its environmental impacts, and because it would erode human rights...heralding a new era for climate change cases in Australia by youth activists...' #betterfutures #culturaltransformation #decolonizing #systemicchange #futuresthinking #alternativeenergy #firstnations
#firstnations #alternativeenergy #FuturesThinking #systemicchange #decolonizing #culturaltransformation #betterfutures
In their book Systems Work of Social Change, Synthia Rayner and François Bonnici's have identified some significant aspects of change that resonates with my own. Importantly, they make "reconfiguring power" a key design principle.
#changedesign #socialchange #systemicchange
Plus all the small stuff cumulatively becomes big stuff. A local school board seems like small stuff but if/when enough school boards across the country are taken over, it's a movement. Plus, they then control what kids are taught, which affects future generations.
I feel like we on the left focus a lot on #SystemicChange but too often ignore #EmergentChange.
#systemicchange #emergentchange
Rupert Read is a #ClimateEmergency activist, #philosopher and author.
His new book is out now https://249897.e-junkie.com/product/1756224
Paperback is paid for. E-book is on the #GiftEconomy - pay what you can and what you feel it’s worth.
This is someone who truly lives the route to a new system
#climateaction #cop27 #systemicchange #gifteconomy #philosopher #climateemergency