2️⃣ The report puts forward a Baseline Framework for Digital Services Risk Management. The goal is simple: it aims "to offer a simple but viable model for researchers to apply" some principles when identifying, evaluating and mitigating #systemicrisks (as under art. 34 & 35 of the #DSA).
I think the model is well thought and documented. I believe it will have a broader impact and be a source of inspiration for Trust & Safety teams and most of online services having to deal with content online!
IMF Division Chief and Deputy Managing Director Call for Swift Regulatory Action to Avoid Crypto Contagion to Legacy Finance - An International Monetary Fund (IMF) division chief and deputy managing director a... - https://news.bitcoin.com/imf-calls-for-swift-regulatory-action-to-avoid-crypto-contagion-to-legacy-finance/ #internationalmonetaryfund #nobuyasusugimoto #baselcommittee #cryptocurrency #systemicrisks #stablecoins #regulation #volatility #contagion #boli #imf
#imf #boli #contagion #volatility #regulation #stablecoins #systemicrisks #cryptocurrency #baselcommittee #nobuyasusugimoto #internationalmonetaryfund