#Historyofphilosophy is one of my interests, too.
As well, I am in a training in #systemiccounseling and #systemictherapy which is great.
Playing guitar the nicest thing for me. #makemusic Gear is a passion of mine…
Great to be here! Please get in touch if you’re interested in!
#historyofphilosophy #systemiccounseling #systemictherapy #makemusic
I am a #SocialWork |er and am working on a efficacy study on #systemictherapy and changes in #communication in #coupletherapy . Anyone who wants to take part of my survey (in German) can follow this link https://paartherapie-forschung.de/index.php/162567?lang=de
#ScienceMastodon #familytherapy #Paartherapie
#SocialWork #systemictherapy #communication #coupletherapy #ScienceMastodon #familytherapy #Paartherapie