While the government battles those who try to weed out corruption and tax frauds, they’re also attacking part time workers and the unemployed. Like Santtu who makes 1200€/month.
“If it is indeed the case that after the cuts planned by the government, the salary will be deducted directly from the labour market support, it would mean about 450 euros less income per month, Santtu says, based on his calculations.” #politics #politicsFI #rightWingPolitics #finland #systemicViolence #welfareCuts
#politics #rightwingpolitics #finland #systemicviolence #welfarecuts #politicsfi
Benjamin Powers notes that we've been told body cameras will prevent police violence. But Tyre Nichols's murder suggests otherwise. As he writes,
"The reality is technology is just a tool — not a panacea for systemic structural problems in law enforcement."
#policeviolence #tyrenichols #systemicviolence
"Power attracts corruptible people more generally, and power centers with a history of abusive, militaristic, and racist violence disproportionately attract people who want to abuse minorities, or use lethal force. Those are the exact people who shouldn’t be in uniform, because they see that kind of culture as an attractive profession. But that’s too often who applies. People who should never be in uniform self-select into it."
#PoliceViolence #SystemicViolence
#policeviolence #systemicviolence
"But nothing systemic changes.
Then, a little while later, the cycle resets. We do it all over again. Like clockwork, around 1,100 Americans are killed by police in the United States each year, a per capita rate that’s much higher than other comparable rich democracies.'
#PoliceViolence #SystemicViolence
#policeviolence #systemicviolence
Brian Klaas writes (and he's very correct, I think),
"Policing reform is usually tied to body cameras and oversight—how the police behave. Not enough attention is paid to who the police are—and the abusive systems that attract them in the first place. …
But nothing systemic changes.
Then, a little while later, the cycle resets. We do it all over again."
#PoliceViolence #SystemicViolence
#policeviolence #systemicviolence
Fuck this shit.
#ACAB #policing #police #PoliceViolence #murder #sociology #crime #news #statistics #USpol #DefundThePolice #SystemicViolence
#acab #policing #police #policeviolence #murder #sociology #crime #news #statistics #uspol #defundthepolice #systemicviolence
Neocolonial #SystemicViolence: The #HumanRights Stain and #PublicHealth Farce of #Title42 is Tied to 13,000 Murders, Rapes, Kidnappings and extortion in Mexico. #Refugees are targeted by organized criminal groups, #police and other state actors. https://www.democracynow.org/2022/12/21/frustration_among_migrants_at_us_mexico
#systemicviolence #humanrights #publichealth #Title42 #refugees #police
Who does radicalizing people against a successful multicultural society to keep us all attacking each other instead of the root causes of poverty and climate collapse benefit? #billionaires #oligarchs #domesticterrorism #economicviolence #systemicviolence
#billionaires #oligarchs #domesticterrorism #economicviolence #systemicviolence