"They have been told all their lives that their lives are solely their 'individual responsibility'—so it’s hardly a surprise. But their self-punishment is just mimicking the systems which make them feel worthless and powerless...It is not their fault, their choice, to live through times like these. It’s not their choice to be surviving a pandemic, a mass extinction, a planet dying, economies failing, taking it day by day."
From Umair Haque's Medium blog post, "Don't Tear Yourself Down Just Because the World Is Falling Apart:" https://link.medium.com/EE2QsKo7Vxb
#pandemic #covid #ClimateChange #ClimateCollapse #ClimateApocalypse #Fascism #SystemisCollapse #Inequality #Poverty #Capitalism #Depression #MentalHealth #SocialismOrBarbarism
#pandemic #covid #climatechange #climatecollapse #climateapocalypse #fascism #systemiscollapse #inequality #poverty #capitalism #depression #mentalhealth #socialismorbarbarism