"By concentrating apartments around transit, buying the most-affected locals in financially, and using the revenues to balance the budget, [Arlington, Virginia] has been able to permit more apartments than many of its peer regions over the past 50 years. This is a model other American cities could learn from..."
#urban_planning #systems_thinking
Cold restart whole system after total outage
#ycombinator #systems_thinking #functional_programming #architecture #software_design #technology_leadership #devops #clojure
#ycombinator #systems_thinking #functional_programming #architecture #software_design #technology_leadership #devops #clojure
"Certain individuals do have an amazing ability to create successful systems. They can't do it themselves. They need other people. Granted a few of these leaders are extremely special. 95% of CEO's are decent at their jobs (or even not that good at their jobs) but replacing them with any of hundreds of other people would make little difference. But those CEO's all think they are more like Steve Jobs - they are not..."
#management #business #leadership #systems_thinking
"Your purpose is to identify where in the process things go wrong, not who messed up. Look for systemic causes, not culprits."
Peter Scholtes
#management #systems_thinking #respect_for_people #process_improvement
#leadership #blame
#management #systems_thinking #respect_for_people #process_improvement #leadership #blame
measure [parameter] in the hopes of improving [goal]
When dysfunction occurs (which is a high percentage of the time), the values of [parameter] go up comfortingly, but the values of [goal] get worse.
#data #goals #targets #management #systems_thinking
Circle of Influence
"You should remember, that there is a temporal component to your circle of influence. On some current issue, I may have a very low chance of success for getting the organization to adopt an improvement I think is best. But certain actions can build the understanding that will allow me later to have more influence. This can even be completely separate from how people normally think of circle of influence...."
Transforming a Management System – A Case Study From the Madison Wisconsin Police Department
"What are we trying to become?
A community oriented, decentralized, highly interactive, diverse police department staffed by members who share organizational values, are well trained, committed, sensitive and courteous...
An organization that is noted for its high-level community confidence"
#police #management #systems_thinking #respect_for_people #continual_improvement
#police #management #systems_thinking #respect_for_people #continual_improvement
"The aim proposed here for any organization is for everybody to gain – stockholders, employees, suppliers, customers, community, the environment – over the long term."
W. Edwards #Deming
"There is an important difference between those that see the only true #purpose of a company is making money and those that see a variety of purposes that must be balanced..."
#Deming #purpose #management #systems_thinking
More tags at http://tutormentor.blogspot.com
#Video (90)
#service #Social_Capital #social_justice #sports #stem #systems_thinking #talent #technology #The_Big_Question #TMCMedia #Total_Quality_Mentoring #tutormentor #tutoring #university #video #village #violence #Virtual_Corporate_Office #vision #visualization #volunteer #Volunteer_Donate #Start_Program #strategy #thinglink #tipping_point #Volunteer_Growth #War_on_Poverty #workforce #Youth_Leaders
The sensible aim is to optimize your life. Work is a big part of life. As with any system the results depend on the overall system not the performance of individual parts taken separately.
"As targets are to conventional, dysfunctional, management, measures of capability and variation are to the positive systems alternative. The exact opposite of the poisonous 'WMD' (weapons of management destruction)"
#targets #management #goals #systems_thinking
I believe the act of formally making a prediction is critical to improving the learning process. I think prediction and examination of results is rarely done. And I think it is a very powerful component to creating an organization that can improve rapidly.
#data #learning #experiment #systems_thinking #continual_improvement
#data #learning #experiment #systems_thinking #continual_improvement
Leading change efforts requires paying attention to the existing conditions: the culture, the motivation to adopt this change and/or the motivation to resist it, the history of change where the change is being attempted and the reasons the change is desired (by at least you and hopefully others). And then you need to build a case for the change and manage the process...
#management #leadership #change #systems_thinking
Dr. Deming would mention Peter Scholtes thoughts on why performance appraisals were bad management when asked about his belief that performance appraisals should be eliminated. In the short article Performance Without Appraisal: What to do Instead of Performance Appraisals, Peter wrote:
“Stop doing them and things will get better.” He was correct. Many organizations, however, wonder what to do instead.
continued in
#management #performance_appraisal #systems_thinking
I still remember Dr. Brian Joiner speaking about process improvement and the role of data decades ago.
He spoke of 3 ways to improve the figures: distort the data, distort the system and improve the system. Improving the system is the most difficult.
see: https://management.curiouscatblog.net/2005/06/13/targets-distorting-the-system/
This simple idea is useful to remember when seeking to improve results.
#management #leadership #systems_thinking