Avoiding permissions, times or ownership failure messages when using rsync
#Automation #Linux #Scripting #Software #UNIX #Web #WebDevelopment #WebTechnologies #WebTools #Computerfile #Computing #Datasynchronization #Digitaltechnology #filesystem #Rsync #Software #symboliclink #Systemsoftware
#systemsoftware #symboliclink #rsync #filesystem #digitaltechnology #datasynchronization #Computing #computerfile #webtools #webtechnologies #webdevelopment #Web #Unix #Software #scripting #Linux #automation
Kotaku: 12 Things Every New Steam Deck Owner Should Try Or Consider https://kotaku.com/steam-deck-valve-lock-screen-graphics-battery-framerate-1849970296 #gaming #tech #kotaku #graphicaluserinterfaces #technology2cinternet #operatingsystems #systemsoftware #screenshot #ecommerce #cyberpunk #software #nintendo #freeware #google #steam
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #graphicaluserinterfaces #technology2cinternet #operatingsystems #systemsoftware #screenshot #ecommerce #cyberpunk #software #nintendo #freeware #google #steam
Kotaku: PS2 Emulator Development Ceases Following Death Threats https://kotaku.com/ps2-emulator-android-aethersx2-developer-death-threats-1849955012 #gaming #tech #kotaku #technology2cinternet #operatingsystems #systemsoftware #playstation2 #alphabetinc #smartphones #software #android #pcsx2 #build #ps2 #q
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #technology2cinternet #operatingsystems #systemsoftware #playstation2 #alphabetinc #smartphones #software #android #pcsx2 #build #ps2 #q
Resolving a clash between Homebrew and Python
For reasons that I cannot recall now, I installed the Hugo static website gene
#Configuration #Linux #Software #Brew #Computerarchitecture #Computerprogramming #Computing #Controlflow #Customfirmware #Eval #Homebrew #Hugo #Linux #Linuxdistributions #LinuxMint #MicrosoftInfoPath #OperatingSystems #packagemanager #Path #Python #Software #Systemsoftware #Ubuntu
#Ubuntu #systemsoftware #Python #path #packagemanager #operatingsystems #microsoftinfopath #LinuxMint #linuxdistributions #hugo #homebrew #eval #customfirmware #controlflow #Computing #computerprogramming #computerarchitecture #brew #Software #Linux #configuration
Resolving a clash between Homebrew and Python
For reasons that I cannot recall now, I installed the Hugo static website gene
#Configuration #Linux #Software #Brew #Computerarchitecture #Computerprogramming #Computing #Controlflow #Customfirmware #Eval #Homebrew #Hugo #Linux #Linuxdistributions #LinuxMint #MicrosoftInfoPath #OperatingSystems #packagemanager #Path #Python #Software #Systemsoftware #Ubuntu
#Ubuntu #systemsoftware #Python #path #packagemanager #operatingsystems #microsoftinfopath #LinuxMint #linuxdistributions #hugo #homebrew #eval #customfirmware #controlflow #Computing #computerprogramming #computerarchitecture #brew #Software #Linux #configuration
Removing redundant kernels from Ubuntu
Recently, a message appear on some web servers that I have that exhorted me to upgra
#Configuration #Linux #Scripting #Software #APT #Archiveformats #Canonical #Cloudclients #Computerarchitecture #Debian #Dpkg #EnvironmentModules #FreeSoftware #LinusTorvalds #Linux #OperatingSystems #packagemanager #RPMPackageManager #Software #Systemsoftware #Ubuntu #Ubuntuversionhistory
#ubuntuversionhistory #Ubuntu #systemsoftware #rpmpackagemanager #packagemanager #operatingsystems #linustorvalds #FreeSoftware #environmentmodules #dpkg #Debian #computerarchitecture #cloudclients #canonical #archiveformats #apt #Software #scripting #Linux #configuration
Removing redundant kernels from Ubuntu
Recently, a message appear on some web servers that I have that exhorted me to upgra
#Configuration #Linux #Scripting #Software #APT #Archiveformats #Canonical #Cloudclients #Computerarchitecture #Debian #Dpkg #EnvironmentModules #FreeSoftware #LinusTorvalds #Linux #OperatingSystems #packagemanager #RPMPackageManager #Software #Systemsoftware #Ubuntu #Ubuntuversionhistory
#ubuntuversionhistory #Ubuntu #systemsoftware #rpmpackagemanager #packagemanager #operatingsystems #linustorvalds #FreeSoftware #environmentmodules #dpkg #Debian #computerarchitecture #cloudclients #canonical #archiveformats #apt #Software #scripting #Linux #configuration
Converting QEMU disk images to VirtualBox images on Linux Mint 21
Recently, VirtualBox gained fuller support for Windows 11 and I successively set up a new Windows 11 virt
#Linux #Software #Virtualisation #Windows #APT #Diskimages #Filenameextensions #FreeSoftware #Linux #LinuxMint #OperatingSystems #Qcow #QEMU #Software #Systemsoftware #VDI #VHD #VirtualBox #VMDK #Windows #Windows11
#Windows11 #vmdk #virtualbox #vhd #VDI #systemsoftware #qemu #Qcow #operatingsystems #LinuxMint #FreeSoftware #filenameextensions #diskimages #apt #Windows #virtualisation #Software #Linux
Converting QEMU disk images to VirtualBox images on Linux Mint 21
Recently, VirtualBox gained fuller support for Windows 11 and I successively set up a new Windows 11 virt
#Linux #Software #Virtualisation #Windows #APT #Diskimages #Filenameextensions #FreeSoftware #Linux #LinuxMint #OperatingSystems #Qcow #QEMU #Software #Systemsoftware #VDI #VHD #VirtualBox #VMDK #Windows #Windows11
#Windows11 #vmdk #virtualbox #vhd #VDI #systemsoftware #qemu #Qcow #operatingsystems #LinuxMint #FreeSoftware #filenameextensions #diskimages #apt #Windows #virtualisation #Software #Linux
Ansible warning about boolean type conversion
My primary use for Ansible is doing system updates using the inbuilt apt module. Recently, I updated my main system to Linux
#Automation #Linux #Scripting #Software #Ansible #APT #Cross-platformsoftware #DavidLangford #FreeSoftware #LinusTorvalds #Linux #LinuxMint #OperatingSystems #Remoteadministrationsoftware #Software #Softwaredistribution #Systemsoftware
#systemsoftware #softwaredistribution #remoteadministrationsoftware #operatingsystems #LinuxMint #linustorvalds #FreeSoftware #davidlangford #cross #apt #ansible #Software #scripting #Linux #automation
Ansible warning about boolean type conversion
My primary use for Ansible is doing system updates using the inbuilt apt module. Recently, I updated my main system to Linux
#Automation #Linux #Scripting #Software #Ansible #APT #Cross-platformsoftware #DavidLangford #FreeSoftware #LinusTorvalds #Linux #LinuxMint #OperatingSystems #Remoteadministrationsoftware #Software #Softwaredistribution #Systemsoftware
#systemsoftware #softwaredistribution #remoteadministrationsoftware #operatingsystems #LinuxMint #linustorvalds #FreeSoftware #davidlangford #cross #apt #ansible #Software #scripting #Linux #automation