#ClimateChange #probability #SystemThinking
A false sense of security (hubris) is generally causing people to neglect the actions that can prevent an ecological #polycrisis
1. To believe that humanity is going to mitigate the #ClimateCrisis is wish-based delusional thinking (Hope feels good!)
2. The understanding that humanity has a low probability (chance) of mitigating the #ClimateCrisis is evidence-based rationale thinking (But, doesn't feel good)
Best wishers! #psychology
#climatechange #probability #systemthinking #polycrisis #climatecrisis #psychology
#MentalHealth care IS health care.
However, it is only sparsely publicly funded.
We invested so much time and effort over the last 15 years reducing stigma - yet as a society, we did not invest in access to care.
A lot of talk - not much action.
This needs to change. This deep suffering impacts other systems of the body and puts pressure on larger social structures.
#mentalhealth #mentalhealthcare #socialwork #onpoli #canpoli #systemthinking
The 10x system is more than its parts. It's about understanding the interconnectedness and using that to deliver high-value outcomes. Ready to dive deeper? #SoftwareEngineering #10xPrinciple #SystemThinking
#systemthinking #10xprinciple #softwareengineering
Ok fellow System Thinkers.. You got to help me out. What are the best books about system thinking? I allready devoured Donella Meadows 'thinking in systems' and David Peter Stroh 'system thinking for social change' and 'The fifth discpline' by well you know.
What books about system thinking can you recoommend?
Thank you
#systemthinking #books #systemsthinking #thinking
Are you curious about how to make #business within the #planetaryboundaries ?
Listen to this half-hour #podcast !
Key messages:
- Businesses need to go from "speed is all we need" to #rhytm (we need more patient capital), and from particular thinking to #systemthinking 🕸️
- Companies: do more #collaboration in the supply chain! 🤝
- Money is power 💰
- We need to operate within the Planetary Boundaries 🌏
- Success is when you have a clear #vision 🔭
#business #planetaryboundaries #podcast #rhytm #systemthinking #collaboration #vision
I noticed a pattern while drawing Causal Loop diagrams. When we see A->C and A->B->C I feel that we are either mixing levels of abstraction or missing part of the story. And I wrote about it, so here is a new blog article !
You can outsource your content, you cannot outsource the meaning of the message. Build the internal foundations for the message—the systems for content strategy.
#contentstrategy #systemthinking
Julius Gamanyi (@julius) has pointed me to an excellent 2018 talk by @SonaAndrea@twitter.com that explores innovation, design, and modularity as drivers for #OpenBanking.
my advice to all is to stop what you are doing and listen to this clip right now: https://youtu.be/yqMDoWVZYw8?t=2377
#openbanking #api360 #systemthinking #softwarearch
Leverage points to intervene in a system
2. Mindset or paradigm that the system — its goals, structure, rules, delays, parameters — arises from
Paradigms might be changed by pointing out anomalies/failures in the current paradigm to open minds.
#systemthinking #donellameadows
Leverage points to intervene in a system
3. Goal of the system
Changing goals changes every item listed above: parameters, feedback loops, information and self-organization.
#systemthinking #donellameadows
Systems Thinking, Permaculture & Sustainable Communities with Fritjof Capra & Morag Gamble:
Join Morag Gamble in conversation with one of the world's major public thinkers of the last half-century - renowned author-educator-activist-physicist, Fritjof Capra Ph.D.
https://events.humanitix.com/masterclass-48-fritjof-capra-and-morag-gamble #systemthinking
Interested in #bees #systemthinking #technology
#bees #systemthinking #technology
Leverage points to intervene in a system
4. Power to add, change, evolve, or self-organize system structure
Ability to change by creating new structures, adding new negative & positive feedback loops, promoting information flows, making rules.
#systemthinking #donellameadows
Twelve leverage points - Wikipedia https://b.mamund.com/3fUZK6y
Leverage points to intervene in a system from most effective to least
#systemthinking #donellameadows
Leverage points to intervene in a system
5. Rules of the system (such as incentives, punishment, constraints)
Pay attention to rules, and to who makes them.
#systemthinking #donellameadows
Open Call—A Self-Organising Symposium on Self-Organisation
The Center Leo Apostel for Transdisciplinary Studies (CLEA) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) organises its first international artscience conference: ‘Systems At Play: A Self-Organising Symposium on Self-Organisation’ taking place in Brussels from February 15th until 18th, 2023.
Leverage points to intervene in a system
6. Structure of information flow (who does and does not have access to what kinds of information)
It is cheaper and easier to change information flows than it is to change structure.
#systemthinking #donellameadows
Leverage points to intervene in a system
7. Gain around driving positive feedback loops
A positive feedback loop speeds up a process. In most cases, it is preferable to slow down a positive loop, rather than speeding up a negative one.
#systemthinking #donellameadows
Leverage points to intervene in a system
7. Gain around driving positive feedback loops
A positive feedback loop speeds up a process. In most cases, it is preferable to slow down a positive loop, rather than speeding up a negative one.
#systemthinking #donellameadows