360 Degrees of Proximities
Feminists take back video! //// against the gentrification of sex positive content //
No previous tech knowledge required!
19-23 of Sept, venue: FAQ-Laden, Jonasstraße 40 (12053 Berlin)
Between 19-23 of September, Broken House and Systerserver host a program of participatory events dedicated to the queer sex positive underground of Berlin.
READ MORE: https://systerserver.net/360/brknhs/
For members of the FLINTA* community
#systerserver #technofeminist #peertube
Tokrat na hekerskih valovih #RadioStudent #tehnoklistir gosti sestrski kolektiv #SysterServer, ki gradi afektivne infrastrukture feministične decentralizirane federacije
#radiostudent #tehnoklistir #systerserver
Systerserver Town: sorry about the downtime. The server got updated. We will upgrade the instance in the next couple of weeks. I will notify people here before it gets down. #systerserver
Eine weitere #netzrauschen Sendung bei Radio Helsinki:
Linda Kronman im Interview mit dem Systerserver Kollektiv: https://helsinki.at/program/116979/ Heute 10:00!
@von_unten @g_tutner @wearekairus #systerserver @RadioHelsinki @KronmanLinda
Wir packen unsere Koffer für das heurige #AMRO22 Festival in #Linz. u.a. mit einigen Beiträgen aus mur.at Gemeinschaft. https://mur.at/post/2022-artmeetsradicalopenness/ #radical-openness @azahara__cc @thesi_x @wearekairus #HansHolgerRutz #systerserver @jogi @servus
#AMRO22 #Linz #radical #HansHolgerRutz #systerserver