🏝️ 🪙 Euskal garatzaileek eratutako euskarazko bideojoko berriarekin gatoz! Pentagonal Studio|ko bilbotarrek PlayStation Talents|ekin bat egin dute Syzygy: The Power of the Eclipse sortzeko.
PS4|an zein PS5|ean joka dezakegu gure hizkuntzan.
New #review today: "Sometimes a great band passes near your musical trajectory, catching your interest, then they just disappear. Such was the case with Cleveland, Ohio based #Syzygy... I often wondered what happened to those guys, and about a month ago I got a partial answer, at least regarding the guitarist #CarlBaldassarre." #ExposeOnline #ProgRock http://expose.org/index.php/articles/display/carl-baldassarre-grand-blvd-3.html
#progrock #exposeonline #carlbaldassarre #syzygy #review
SYZYGY: Sean Ono Lennon and Connor Grant on the Legacy of Zack Rosen #2023_06_08 #spin #james_reich #impact #mental_health #connor_grant #schizophrenia #sean_ono_lennon #syzygy #zack_rosen
>> https://www.spin.com/2023/06/syzygy-sean-ono-lennon-and-connor-grant-on-the-legacy-of-zack-rosen/
#2023_06_08 #spin #james_reich #impact #mental_health #connor_grant #schizophrenia #sean_ono_lennon #syzygy #zack_rosen
Well, it's not a #syzygy but you get the idea
How to see the moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mars line up tonight
Tonight, after sunset, it will be possible to see three planets line up with the crescent moon – and a fourth, if you have binoculars and a dark sky
@pisscotheque similarly #syzygy raises far more questions than it can ever answer.
An eastern grey doe
And Joey complete
In #syzygy
#syzygy #haiku #prompt #wordoftheday #threeliner #3liner
New moon and full moon--
"Syzygy" occurrences--
Hard to spell, casts spell.
#WOTDHaikuPrompt #Syzygy
#WOTD #WordOfTheDay
#Haiku #Senryu #Poetry #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #MicroPoetry #Writing #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity
#poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #writing #micropoetry #amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #prompts #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #poetry #Senryu #haiku #wordoftheday #wotd #syzygy #wotdhaikuprompt
It was the moment
His longing glance met her eye
It was sysygy
#WOTDHaikuPrompt #syzygy #haiku #poem #poetry #poetrycommunity #stars #575
#wotdhaikuprompt #syzygy #haiku #poem #poetry #poetrycommunity #stars