Two days late, I’ve hit #T00t! Finally! Nice seeing how the “Donald Went Down to Georgia” story played out towards the end of the catch up. If I didn’t know better, I might even feel like there’s hope for American democracy after all!
A day and a half behind and 888 posts to read…I _may_ reach #T00t by the end of the weekend.
So, #T00t again, not having really kept up since last time. Definitely calming down on at least mentions of *one* other social network 🤣 and I saw my first use in the wild (i.e. by someone else, 👋🏻 @ne1for23!) of the #T00t hashtag. For those new to me, #T00t or #P0st can be used to indicate you have reached Timeline Zero™. Until now, I was the only one I was aware who used it!
Well, it’s been quite a few days, exacerbated by a certain new app/site creating lots of noise, and me stuffing something up on my 4.1.3 update, but I just reached #T00t! I’m hoping everything settles back down again…
#T00t update - I’ve been pretty well up to date since last post on this hashtag. For those new, this hashtag (and #P0st, although I don’t use that version) marks for me when I catch up after being behind on my timeline. I seem to be able to cope with about 600 posts a day (when dupe boosts are hidden). If I don’t follow back, it’s primarily because I don’t want to overload myself, no judgement on the quality of your content!
This has been the slowest weekend of social media activity in months. I'm glad I reached #T00t just as it started. I'm actually finding a small amount of time to check out some retro things I've been meaning to. 🤓
I do wonder how others Bluesky fascination is playing into all of this. Weekends are normally slow for both Mastodon and Twitter in recent months. We'll see if things pick back up again Monday.
#T00t! 27 days since last catch-up, I’m not sure how many days I stayed caught up, it was less than 10, though. Most of the remainder I stayed about 1-2 days behind. Job search tasks have been eating my time, had a lazy weekend so here I am caught up again. Given stability of behindedness, I wonder how I’ll go over the next few days.
#T00t! Well, that was a pretty chill week of “being behind” on my timeline, felt quite manageable and not stressful. Loving my timeline right now.
@NickGates @smallsco Every time you do after falling behind, use the hashtag #T00t (or #P0st) as an indicator of Timeline Zero so you can keep track of how you’re going!
#T00t! Not too shabby a catch-up time-wise - helps I’m just monitoring a script running on two computers and not much else today.
#T00t! Wish I had more time to figure out what I’m going to do - but I also must admit I’m quite enjoying my timeline right now :)
#T00t! OMg, that was an interesting one. Lost my server to 2+ days - recovery went ok but that period of the timeline just went to /dev/null, effectively. I’ve slowly been whittling down the remaining backlog, wasn’t sure when I’d get there.
@ne1for23 @europlus “My” time, when I get it, is primarily reading - Masto and fiction - and tinkering on old computers, and hosting 5 WOzFests a year. I’ve retreated from things like retro discords and slacks because they’re just overwhelming to me - like sensory overload. The fact I let #T00t drag out is sort of good, I’m not hyper-frantic to get there, but I enjoy my timeline and would like to keep up. But it needs to be manageable…
Don’t let reaching #T00t take you to anywhere unhealthy.
There is a world to listen to out there and it’s not practical to listen to every last word within your reach.
The last of what you said, leaves me confused. “Outs” are good outlets you are not finding enough time for them? Like you are not getting enough personal time?
#T00t the timeline didn’t get too far ahead of me this time. In some ways I feel a bit concerned with the difficulties I’m having. I’m off Twitter and Facebook, I don’t check in on my RSS feeds much any more, I hardly listen to podcasts, I avoid discords and slacks where I can, and I’m not reading SciAm like I did religiously a couple of decades ago. My life has gone beyond filling the gaps and I feel my only “outs” are Masto, fiction, WOzFests and sleep. I feel squeezed – and not in a nice way.
#T00t I’m finding small “lapses” snowball quickly. It is a small stress, but a stress nonetheless. I think I’m going to need to consider reducing follows. Or filtering out boosts from some follows. Splitting my timeline doesn’t appeal to me right now - I’d likely “neglect” one or more sub-timelines and I’d just stress about that. I don’t know how anyone handles a timeline of 600+ posts on an ongoing basis. And that’s with Twitter account deletion and FB logout!
#T00t! With a self-imposed limit of reporting t00tness no more than once per day, I’m pretty pleased I came up against that limit several times over the last 24 hours. Not sure if I’ll be able to do so consistently, but if I do, I’ll revert to a lower limit. I’m not looking to spam people (and I’ll even consider making these private of I feel like [or it’s pointed out] I am).