That's it, I had enough of #Linux! This thing doesn't work. Not even #Debian and #Fedora work!
It's slow as hell, crashes all the time, and #FlightGear doesn't run properly on #Linux. Not to mention that my #Thrustmaster #T16000M is all over the place on Linux and I can't calibrate it.
Today I will be installing my beloved #Windows back on my computer, the best Windows yet, #Windows11!
#linux #debian #fedora #flightgear #thrustmaster #t16000m #windows #windows11 #April1st #aprilfools #aprilfoolsday #aprilfirst
That's it, I had enough of #Linux! This thing doesn't work. Not even #Debian and #Fedora work!
It's slow as hell, crashes all the time, and #FlightGear doesn't run properly on #Linux. Not to mention that my #Thrustmaster #T16000M is all over the plane on Linux and I can't calibrate it.
Today I will be installing my beloved #Windows back on my computer, the best Windows yet, #Windows11!
#linux #debian #fedora #flightgear #thrustmaster #t16000m #windows #windows11 #April1st #aprilfools #aprilfoolsday #aprilfirst