Holy hell! What's scarier than what happened is how many people don't have a clue about #diabetes. Many of those comments are just frightening.
I was chatting here with someone today and they asked me about being #diabetic They said that they imagine it's difficult to live with #diabetes, unlike the commercials try to make you believe, that you pop a pill each day and you're just fine.
I woke with a blood glucose of 114. Pretty good.
I had to make a taffy apple salad before I could eat something. Thing is filled with sugars.
I didn't even taste it. Just my hands in the mixture and my #dexcom high BG went off at 220. Yikes! I better not have any
#dexcom #diabetes #diabetic #t1d
This is happening today lads
JDRF - Sam Pikesley
Oh wow. I’m so shocked we put our morals up for sale. #t1d
Open source artificial pancreas software has gotten FDA approval! And open source hardware solutions are coming!
#opensource #fda #diabetes #t1d #FOSS #fosh
My #insulinpump is not communicating with my #cgm. Not the end of the world, but still. #t1d #diabetes
#insulinPump #cgm #t1d #diabetes
About tonight's host over on the Bird site I'm @James_Ridgeway_:
- My name is James.
- I have lived with #t1d for 11 years.
- Using @myomnipod + @FreeStyleLibre
- Currently setting up DIY looping.
- I am a diabetes educator for @EDEN_Leicester and a diabetes specialist nurse for @Leic_hospital.
Ten years ago, a tech-savvy group of people with type 1 #diabetes ( #T1D ) decided to pursue a #DIY approach to their own treatment.
A few years back I was a stage manager at #makerfaire and someone from this group gave a talk about this on my stage.
I'm glad to see it is still ongoing.
#FLOSS #openhardware #medical
#diabetes #t1d #diy #makerfaire #floss #openhardware #medical
"A community of people with type 1 diabetes got a self-built device approved. What can they offer that big companies can’t?"
As you may know I have type 1 diabetes, and nothing about open source movement touches me more than the fact I'm able to hack together old devices from different companies together into a system that works very well, and even better than the unreasonably expensive new proprietary stuff. Without OpenAPS and xDrip I'd be living a much more limited life today.
Working on a paper about #t1d and there's a participant quote about how nice it is that Starbucks has nutrition information for everything, and like +1 to that but also Starbucks seriously if you would just make your app update nutrition information for drink customizations you could be like the holy grail for diabetics. I don't go to Starbucks because it's good coffee, I go because the indie coffee shops don't tell me how many carbs are in things.
I have a question: does anybody know why the lid of my sharps bin has these notches? #t1d