Ok. One more. (because the hashtag tracker has moved on). I had a lovely, celebratory dinner with my son and husband. 3-21 is #WorldDownSyndromeDay we were supposed to go to a party with other #T21 peeps, but work delayed me. So we just went out ourselves. Marcus and I had some wine and we made jokes. (And ate kind of a lot, and also have leftovers.) ANYway, hug those you love. Reminder: the universe created #DownSyndrome to offset all the boring people. #wouldntchangeathing #TheLuckyFew
#TheluckyFew #wouldntchangeathing #downsyndrome #t21 #worlddownsyndromeday
B! Das Bild zeigt eine kaputte flexible Brille für Kinder mit dem Down Syndrom. #downsyndrom #t21 #swissflex
#NothingDownAboutIt #UpSyndrome #MoreAlikeThanDifferent #DifferentNotLess #TheLuckyFew #ExtraChromosomeExtraCute #DownSyndromeLove #AdvocateLikeAMother #AdvocateLikeAFather #FindYourTribe #Tribe321 #DownSyndromeAwareness #Trisomy21 #T21 #SeeTheAbili
#ShoutTheirWorth #DontLimitMe
#DownRightPerfect #LoveDoesntCountChromosomes #WouldntChangeAThing #DesignerGenes #LifeIsBetterWithYou #HomieWithAnExtraChromie #ChromosomallyEnhanced #NotSpecialNeedsJustHumanNeeds #Inclusion
#nothingdownaboutit #upsyndrome #morealikethandifferent #differentnotless #theluckyfew #extrachromosomeextracute #downsyndromelove #advocatelikeamother #advocatelikeafather #findyourtribe #tribe321 #downsyndromeawareness #trisomy21 #t21 #seetheabili #shouttheirworth #dontlimitme #downrightperfect #lovedoesntcountchromosomes #wouldntchangeathing #designergenes #lifeisbetterwithyou #homiewithanextrachromie #chromosomallyenhanced #notspecialneedsjusthumanneeds #inclusion
Unsere Schulbegleitung hat sich krankgemeldet. Morgen darf Kind 2 zur Schule. Dann schaut man weiter. Na super! #t21 #downsyndrom