Another good day: I did my first QSO on #15m today! Thank you George/4L5EE in Tbilisi, #Georgia (2367km/1476 mi)!
Operating #portable again. This time for the first time with the #JPC-12 antenna and #Eremit #LiFePO4 batteries.
Conditions on 10m were not that good. Also I have the feeling that my #T2LT antenna works better from within the wood. 🤷♂️
I heard half of the world on 15m but didn't get through. Definitely an interesting band but I have to try a different spot next time.
#hamradio #t2lt #lifepo4 #eremit #jpc #portable #georgia #15m
Beeing very glad about today's QSO on 10m. Contact #1 two days ago went to Saudi Arabia, today's #2 to Namibia, Windhoek with a solid 55! That's 7794 km/4842.967072 mi. Thank you Mike/V51MA!
The T2LT antenna works exceptionally fine. The SWR is nothing but a dream. I heard again Chile and even a station from the USA. Maybe next time they'll receive me too...?
#10m #austria #namibia #t2lt #XieguG90 #portable #hamradio
Yippee! Did my first 10m contact today! About 3583 km/2 226,37 mi from Austria to Saudi Arabia. Thanks Samir/HZ1SK!
Operating portable with my G90, a homebrew T2LT antenna on a Spiderbeam mast.
I also heard several DX stations in Uruguay, Guatemala, Chile! And also close by stations in Italy, France, Turkey ...
I love this solar circle.
#t2lt #dx #Xiegu #portable #hamradio