A hypnotic-eyed, soft-focus tabanid fly who has obviously been twirling his upturned moustache in anticipation of eating.... er, MEETING you.
#fly #flies #FlyFriday #tabanidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #photography
#fly #flies #flyfriday #tabanidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #photography
A deerfly sitting on our clothesline, pondering past meals and thinking about what it should bite next.
A different kind of deerfly kept landing on my hand (and took a small nibble) while I was mowing this weekend. Eventually it landed on the handle of the lawnmower and I told it I would swat it if it didn't go away. Fortunately it flew off, saving me from a moral dilemma.
#fly #flies #tabanidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #photography
#fly #flies #tabanidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #photography
Here's a horse fly for FlyDay. #Insects #Photography #FlyDay #FridayFlyday #Tabanidae #InsectPhotography #Entomology
#insects #photography #flyday #fridayflyday #tabanidae #insectphotography #entomology
For #TaxonomyTuesday I give you Tabanus autumnalis - the large marsh horsefly. As it’s name suggests it likes hanging around marshes! On the left is the female, & with his holoptic eyes the male is on the right. Males are really only interested in finding ladies & so to aid this are all eyes - a male on a mission with superior vision 😏
Nearly finished recurating the British Collection at the #naturalhistorymuseum - all data will be available online via the data portal
#taxonomytuesday #naturalhistorymuseum #flies #tabanidae
Archiv: Die Larven der Chrysops-Bremsen ernähren sich in Schlamm, sodass man in der Nähe von Gewässern auf der Hut sein sollte. Es sei denn man legt Wert auf so ein Bild.
#natur #artenvielfalt #naturfoto #nature #Insekten #diptera #Bremsen #Tabanidae #insects #fliegen #horseflies
#natur #Artenvielfalt #Naturfoto #nature #insekten #diptera #Bremsen #tabanidae #insects #fliegen #horseflies
It's #TabanidTuesday
Here are 2 examples of the eyes of horseflies. The bands are not pigments of colour but caused by the light refracting on the tiny 'nipples' on each of the ommatidia - the individual eye units.
After death the eyes shrink through dessication and so the unique patterns disappear.
#tabanidtuesday #tabanidae #eyes #morphology #horsflies #flies
Archiv: Diese Bremse (Tabanus sp.) hat sich mit ihrem schicken Schnurrbart extra für euch fein gemacht 😉
Das sind schon ordentliche Brecher vor denen man sich besser mal in Sicherheit bringt.
#natur #artenvielfalt #nature #Insekten #diptera #insects #fliegen #Tabanidae #Bremsen
#natur #Artenvielfalt #nature #insekten #diptera #insects #fliegen #tabanidae #Bremsen
I'm back from a few days off, so here's a photo of a horse fly's (Tabanus sulcifrons) mouthparts.
#insect #Diptera #tabanidae #fly #entomology #photography
Archiv: Diese Bremse (Tabanus sp.) hat sich mit ihrem schicken Schnurrbart extra für euch fein gemacht 😉
Das sind schon ordentliche Brecher vor denen man sich besser mal in Sicherheit bringt.
#natur #artenvielfalt #nature #Insekten #diptera #insects #fliegen #Tabanidae #Bremsen
#natur #Artenvielfalt #nature #insekten #diptera #insects #fliegen #tabanidae #Bremsen
Beginnend overzichtje van de dazen.
Dazen zijn bloedzuigende insecten.
De vrouwtjes verzamelen zo de benodigde voedingsstoffen voor de productie van de eitjes.
Dazen steken niet, noch met hun bek, noch met een angel, maar bijten hun slachtoffer.
Hun mond heeft meerdere scherpe mesjes, waarmee ze zelfs door dunne kleding heen kunnen bijten.
De meeste dazen bijten razendsnel: als je ze wegslaat ben je meestal al te laat. Daarnaast hebben veel dazen de gewoonte hun beoogde prooi te achtervolgen. Soms wel een kilometer lang.
#Insecten #Insects #Diptera #Tabanidae #Natuur #Nature #Etymologie #Taxonomie
#taxonomie #etymologie #Nature #natuur #tabanidae #diptera #insects #insecten