Highlights of 2022 (day 4):
the group presented posters and talks all around Europe
see thread below 👇
Highlights of 2022 (day 3):
group was productive with several publications in @ISMEJournal,@iScience_CP,@BiofilmJournal, @Nature_NPJ Biofilms and Microbiome, @mbiojournal, @CurrentBiology, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, @JournalSpectrum
big thanks to all collaborators
Highlights of 2022 (day 2):
▶️two new PhD fellows joined the group this year (@LasseJDNielsen1 and @AdelePioppi)
▶️two PhD defences in 2022 (@lin_yicen and @neftalyl)
Overview of 2022 (day 1)
My research group turned 10 years old in 2022; celebrating the group members of TeBis and BIEs: a technician, Postdocs, PhD fellows, MSc and BSc students
8 PhD, 23 MSc, and 21 BSc projects from the group