Kiss when, Bright Mac and Rarity from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic? #MyLittlePony #FriendshipIsMagic #MLP #MLPFIM #BrightMac #Rarity #TabithaStGermain
#mylittlepony #friendshipismagic #mlp #mlpfim #brightmac #rarity #tabithastgermain
RareDragon (Rarity and Spike) from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is the cutest ship. Obviously. 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 #MyLittlePony #FriendshipIsMagic #MLP #MLPFIM #Rarity #TabithaStGermain #Spike #CathyWeseluck
#mylittlepony #friendshipismagic #mlp #mlpfim #rarity #tabithastgermain #spike #cathyweseluck
The VIP Script Reading panel is starting right now in Grand Ballroom C with, #TabithaStGermain, #MarkAcheson, and, and if you're here then YOU have a chance to act along with the VAs! #VaPE2023
#VaPE2023 #markacheson #tabithastgermain
This makes us the first-ever convention to have Tabitha St. Germain *and* at the same convention!
She's the voice of Princess Luna, Granny Smith, Rarity, several other characters in MLP, and in more shows than we can list in a tweet - Vanhoover is thrilled to welcome the FABULOUS #TabithaStGermain to #VaPE2023!
Read her full bio on our VIP page:
She's the voice of Princess Luna, Granny Smith, Rarity, several other characters in MLP, and in more shows than we can list in a tweet - Vanhoover is thrilled to welcome the FABULOUS #TabithaStGermain to #VaPE2023!
Read her full bio on our VIP page: