Jason Haas · @jasonchaas
205 followers · 134 posts · Server mastodon.world

Such a hopeful time of year. At our is 3-4 weeks later than the average of the last decade after our lovely wet, frosty winter. But now the sun is out, temps in the 70s, and it’s go time.

For a deep dive into how this compares to recent years and a bunch more pictures, check out this week’s .


#tablascreek #budbreak #tablasblog #vineyard #grapevine #photography #pasorobles

Last updated 1 year ago

Jason Haas · @jasonchaas
196 followers · 115 posts · Server mastodon.world

In a new blog I dive into how the storms we've gotten this winter have changed the landscape. Most interestingly, they've revealed the harder layers that run like veins through the softer clay. This spillway from our reservoir is a great example of how the water chews through the softer layers until it reaches a limestone shelf. (And, I think, a super cool !)


#tablascreek #limestone #calcareous #photo #wine #vineyard #geology #photography #pasorobles #tablasblog

Last updated 1 year ago