Highlight actions help to focus the attention of your dashboard consumers on specific points of interest. Changing the shape of the mark and/or making it fully opaque amplifies that effect. This tip shows you how. #Tableau
Hello #dataviz community. I've been learning how to use Tableau by creating dashboards for work. I test matrices for pesticides in California. I'm a career chemist.
This is what I've been working on for the past few months. Constructive feedback is welcome!
#dataanalysis #tableau #datafam #dataviz
#art #peinture #painting #tableau
Détendez-vous. Respirez profondément. Entrez dans le tableau et soyez heureux. Éprouvez du plaisir à contempler les couleurs, la lumière et les ombres de "Le vieux moulin" - "The Old Mill" - (1921), de Daniel Garber (1880 - 1958).
N'hésitez pas à partager sous ce pouète une peinture avec un petit commentaire ...
#art #peinture #painting #tableau
#R #RStudio #data #visualization #analysis peeps:
Let's say someone knows a bit of #Excel, @SQL, and #Tableau but has been asked (to potentially land an interview) to prepare an analysis with provided data in R. Quickest way to get them up to speed, and... GO!
#r #rstudio #data #visualization #analysis #excel #tableau
C'est dimanche, et je suis allée rendre visite à un tableau que j'aime beaucoup pour sa tendresse, la Vierge et l'Enfant de Bartolomeo Caporali (XVème siècle).
#peinture #tableau #renaissance
I have created an infographic-style dashboard for Hot Ones data in #tableau
Link: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/deepali.kank/viz/hotones/Dashboard1
#Datavisualization #TidyTuesday
#tableau #datavisualization #tidytuesday
See if your district representative/partylist voted "yes" or "no" on this controversial wealth fund.
Mapped: Congress votes on Maharlika Investment Fund | Pushpins
(Map best viewed on desktop)
#Philippines #MaharlikaFund #TootSEA #map #GIS #DigitalMapping #tableau
#gis #tableau #digitalmapping #Map #tootsea #maharlikafund #philippines
while #Elmo is over here getting all the attention for killing #twitter , #salesforce is doing it's best low-rent imitation with #tableau
#elmo #twitter #salesforce #tableau
This post walks through how you can use the Multiple Values (custom list) and Wildcard Match filters, including copying and pasting a list of values from Excel to filter your dashboard in #Tableau.
#introduction My name is Dave, located in western Washington U. S. A. I read, ride bikes, and cook. I am a professional Software Cheerleader. I used to work for #Tableau. I like data, making things, making them better, and getting out in this big wonderful world.
Version 2023.2 of Tableau adds two new spatial functions: OUTLINE and SHAPETYPE. This post introduces the OUTLINE function with a few example use cases including set actions and map layers. #tableau #spatial
Tools like #tableau and #powerBI have some great training for onboarding new non-developers to use the tool. I’m not finding equivalent trainings for #ApacheSuperset though. Are there Superset trainings/tutorials y’all can recommend?
#tableau #powerbi #ApacheSuperset
I created my very own Data Design Manifesto!
My newsletter subscribers read all about it yesterday and also got the chance to download the poster for free. :)
You can subscribe here: https://cutt.ly/whatsrocking
Or buy the posters here: https://cutt.ly/DataRocksNZ-Manifesto
#dataviz #visSocial #datavisualization #powerbi #tableau #datafam
#dataviz #vissocial #datavisualization #powerbi #tableau #datafam
While looking for a peg in #Tableau, I stumbled upon this lovely #infographic on famous #creatives and how they spend their days.
Key takeaway: socialization trumps exercise (except for Murakami), hahaha!
#creatives #infographic #tableau
So, what's someone who is going through #autisticburnout supposed to do when they want to get out of #healthcare (#medicalcoding) but has so much #skillregression that nothing else seems feesible?
Someone in a Discord server I'm in said #dataanalysis would be good for me, but I can barely use #excel & trying to learn is sending me into anxiety attacks, so forget about stuff like #tableau or #alteryx 😔
#autisticburnout #healthcare #medicalcoding #skillregression #dataanalysis #excel #tableau #alteryx
On step further on my map about the wind farms in Germany.
I could show the power and amount of turbines according to the filters used.
#dataanalysis #tableau #maps #windpower #windenergie
#windenergie #windpower #maps #tableau #dataanalysis
And more #cycling #DataViz in today's #Tableau "Viz of the Day" https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/ktst/viz/TourdeFrance1903-2022overview/TDF