I have added 30 community copies to my #TableTober 2022 #microRPG collection. Those are free copies available for anyone, and additional copies are added whenever someone purchases a copy of the game for the listed price.
Ok, #TableTober is over and, while I wish I had been able to design more 200-word RPGs for it, I am not looking back.
Instead, in the spirit of the old National Game Design Month (#NaGaDeMon) from 2015, I am focusing my efforts in November on a small-scale #TTRPG instead. It won't be a standard, 200-page RPG tome, but it should be my largest RPG to date, bigger than The Last Campaign, Your Bloody Ex-Boyfriend, and Laser Space: The Final Chapter.
Wish me luck, #TTRPGCommunity!
#tabletober #nagademon #ttrpg #TTRPGCommunity
Part of my problem in #RPGDesign right now is that I insist on creating a new set of mechanics for every game. Sometimes, those mechanics are similar, but I try to make sure they're never identical unless one game is a hack or sibling of another.
Since I make microRPGs, that usually isn't a big issue. A game usually only has one or two mechanics, so it's simple to focus on something new each time.
But with #TableTober, I have been trying to design a #MicroRPG every day. And I am feeling stuck.
#rpgdesign #tabletober #microrpg
I knew that I would not actually be able to write a #microRPG every single day in October, but I still didn't write as many as I'd hoped.
Still, I'm at 11 now, and there are a few days left in #TableTober. Check out what I've made so far at https://thatonegm.itch.io/tabletober-2022.
I'm hoping to finish up at least one more to make it an even dozen. #TTRPG #RPGDesign
#tabletober #microrpg #ttrpg #rpgdesign