Stardate 123: Last night's DnD quest with @lara featured an epic Vulcan-archaeologist alliance! Logic, artifacts & swordplay! 🖖💎⚔️ Speck & Lara ruling! #TabletopTuesday #DungeonsAndDragons #BitBook
#tabletoptuesday #dungeonsanddragons #bitbook
#TabletopTuesday — Throwing it Together (or... "I can barely keep awake...") That time I had to throw an adventure together in about two hours and I was coming down off a migraine so I went back to an old trick: re-skinning stuff I already had access to. #MutantsAndMasterminds #TTRPGs #TTRPG
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #mutantsandmasterminds #tabletoptuesday
Is it #TableTopTuesday yet? 😃
I recently started playing #Herbaceous and it's such a delight, the art is so pretty! A game that is easy to learn, easy to explain to other people and quick to play. Each game lasts around 20 minutes and up to 4 people can play it. There's also a #SinglePlayer mode 😍 It's ideal for those days when I want to enjoy myself without necessarily being social 🤭 #BoardGames
#tabletoptuesday #herbaceous #singleplayer #boardgames
#TabletopTuesday — Replayability (Or, "Second Verse, oh, hey wait, this is different...")
Wherein I talk about some great games you can play over and over that don't actually feel like the same game over and over...
#TabletopTuesday — Supplemental... (Or, "Maybe if we bought a new bookshelf?")
Wherein I talk about my two favourite not-core-book purchases for TTRPGs.
(One of them is a tricorder.)
#startrekadventures #mutantsandmasterminds #ttrpg #ttrpgs #tabletoptuesday
#TabletopTuesday — Pretty (Or, "Sorry, I was looking at the artwork, what was that?")
Wherein I admit I'm crap at Wingspan but don't much care because birbs!
#wingspan #boardgame #boardgames #tabletoptuesday
#TabletopTuesday — Paint the Roses (or, "Wait, this is a logic puzzle!")
I swear this was fun. But you have to like those logic puzzles. Also, I trust the computer more than I trust myself on this one...
#boardgame #boardgames #painttheroses #tabletoptuesday
#TabletopTuesday — Legacy (Or, "A permanent sticker? Are you mad?")
Wherein I try to come to terms with the notion of (shudder) permanently altering a game.
(Painful. It's painful, I tell you.)
#mycity #frosthaven #boardgames #tabletopgaming #tabletoptuesday
#TabletopTuesday — Preprinted Adventures (or, "Store-bought is fine!")
Wherein I discuss the joys of preprinted adventures, get to try Pathfinder 2e for the first time, and remind you all it's not too late to get a great Bundle of Holding deal of Pathfinder 2e adventure material that's also a great way to aim some needed support in the direction of a great fellow.
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #pathfinder #tabletoptuesday
#TabletopTuesday — Frosthaven Arrives! (Or, "It all fits back in the box!")
Because (a) I'm so excited to play this game, but (b) I had to take a moment to talk about games that pack so beautifully it's a joy when it's time to put then away.
#tabletopgaming #ttrpgs #tabletoptuesday
#TabletopTuesday — Bag of Giving presents: Mutants & Masterminds
Wherein myself and a group of amazing author-types hang out and nerd out and there are many Canadian-flavoured superhero puns and Ottawa-flavoured superhero antics.
#liveplay #ttrpg #mutantsandmasterminds #ttrpgs #tabletoptuesday
#TabletopTuesday — Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion and Forgotten Circles
My copy of Frosthaven arrived! So why not look back at the other two expansions for Gloomhaven first?
#gloomhaven #boardgames #tabletopgaming #tabletoptuesday
#TabletopTuesday — Story Engine, or “What to do when your idea well dries up before a session” (part two). Finishing up an adventure outline with some NPCs, courtesy of the Story Engine Deck.
#startrekadventures #ttrpg #ttrpgs #tabletoptuesday
#TabletopTuesday — Deck of Worlds, or "What to do when your idea well dries up before a session."
#writing #ttrpg #ttrpgs #tabletoptuesday
For Tabletop Tuesday, I received print copies of these books in the mail today!
After a quick flip-through, I really like the re-purposing of the D&D rules to be concise and pared down. The first campaign book has some classic dungeon crawls to get the imagination started.
I think I'll be able to use these for a game where I'm running Keep on the Borderlands... 🤔
#tabletoptuesday #basicfantasy #ttrpg
#TabletopTuesday — Supporting Characters, or "The O'Brien Effect"
Wherein I talk about one of my favourite things to come out of MODIPHIUS's Star Trek Adventures game: The Supporting Crew mechanic. #TTRPGs #TTRPG #StarTrekAdventures #TabletopGaming
#tabletopgaming #startrekadventures #ttrpg #ttrpgs #tabletoptuesday
@Cathdg the video isn't much use sadly.
There used to be some good discussions under the #TabletopTuesday hashtag on ye olde twitter too.
Tabletop Tuesday — Gloomhaven
Gloomhaven is a game that scratches most of the #TTRPG itch while being a board game with streamlined (and fun) choices. Also? *Years* of play.
#boardgame #boardgames #tabletoptuesday #ttrpgs #ttrpg
#TabletopTuesday — Better than Real Life (Or, Down with Math!)
Let's talk games that are more fun to play online than at the table. Because math. SO MUCH MATH.
#TabletopTuesday — Two Players, Competition
Last week I talked games you play in pairs to win or lose together, this week it's games you play in pairs to win or lose—but this is me, so mostly these feel like you're playing to do the best you can with what you've got while the other player does the same.
#cardgames #boardgames #tabletoptuesday