Until elastic tabstops become mainstream, that is.
@thelinuxcast I've been using tabs on the left with Edge and really quite enjoy it. Never thought I would but I love them over there being all organized and stuff.
#edge #tabs #internet #browser
Last night's #TABS on #LouderThanWarRadio is available for catching-up on:
#LouderThanWar #ExperimentalMusic #PostPunk #PostPunkRevival #NeoClassical #Ambient #Radio
#tabs #louderthanwarradio #louderthanwar #experimentalmusic #postpunk #postpunkrevival #neoclassical #ambient #radio
Tuesday's The Adam Brady Show on #LouderThanWarRadio #LouderThanWar is available now for catch-up:
#TABS #ExperimentalMusic #NewMusic #PostPunk #AltPop #NeoClassical
#louderthanwarradio #louderthanwar #tabs #experimentalmusic #newmusic #postpunk #altpop #neoclassical
hey, you there.
stop using #tabs and your #browser #history to save #links. i shouldn't have to explain why, but i will. you're gonna lose those tabs when your browser crashes (WHEN.). browser history should be cleared often. don't depend on that.
#bookmark that shit. and don't use your browser's native #sync either. use https://www.xbrowsersync.org/. it's #encrypted and #anonymous. thank me later.
#extension #firefox #chrome #tabs #browser #history #links #bookmark #sync #encrypted #anonymous
Last night's #TABS on #LouderThanWar #LouderThanWarRadio is ready for catch-up or even, if you're bold, relistening:
#ExperimentalMusic #NewMusic #Shoegaze #AlternativeMusic #PostPunk #AltPop
#tabs #louderthanwar #louderthanwarradio #experimentalmusic #newmusic #shoegaze #alternativemusic #postpunk #altpop
Last night's #TABS on #LouderThanWar #LouderThanWarRadio is up on Mixcloud for catching up on:
#tabs #louderthanwar #louderthanwarradio #postpunk #newmusic #experimentalmusic #ambient
How can we manage our work and personal life on the web easily?
One way is to learn from each other’s experiences 🤩 Let's see how Nick gets his work done faster 🚀
Read more about his #productivity tips and learn why Nick dropped the #YouTube app on his #Android phone👇
#productivity #youtube #android #browser #privacy #features #tabs
Working on an #extension for people who are #tabs hoarders like me. The idea is to quickly switch between multiple contexts of tabs and not need to keep 50+ tabs open at a time.
Pretty early in development, but it's progressing nicely
browser tabs.
It's not worth the time and energy to hate yourself for having many tabs open bc you are interested in stuff.
It's also normal that interest peters out at some point.
What you can do then: take a quick recap what you've learned so far, which questions you still have (or not) and enjoy your learnings. Then move on.
If you want to, give yourself the permission to indulge in a symphony of tabs, grouped or not, and enjoy the sound
If you could only indent your code with either tabs or spaces from now on, which would you prefer to use?
Without considering the norms/preferences in specific languages, which one do you personally prefer to work with?
Reply with your reasoning if you'd like - please keep the discussion civil though 😅
#tabs #spaces #indentation #formatting #code
Tuesday's #TABS recorded. Should have subtitled it 'How to stack a landing'. Best I've felt doing it, and was sat down for it. Hope, for the most part, it comes across. Will have to search for a tall stool, or record at the in-laws each time. Know which is easier! #LouderThanWar #LouderThanWarRadio
#tabs #louderthanwar #louderthanwarradio