In today's YouTube recommendations to me is another from Shimane Prefecture Izumo Business H.S. Band, an offshoot of the #TachibanaSHSBand .
The "encore" number is what I personally, consider to be their signature. There are videos of them doing it whilst dancing around the inside of a department store.
The tuba players are doing all of the same steps as the flute players, but in this performance the electric bass guitarist in the back just blissing out is amusing.
I trained the YouTube algorithm off continually offering me U.S. politics channels with a liberal helping of watching the #TachibanaSHSBand .
There are also things like #SBPressureWashing that can help reform the recommendations, but the Tachibana S.H.S. Band has considerable weight; one of the big things on YouTube that the Anglosphere has almost never heard of.
YouTube now recommends offshoot bands to me as well, like this from today:
#tachibanashsband #sbpressurewashing
@TGG303 @bytebro I don't know about the advertisement algorithm, but if you ever want to banjanx the YouTube _recommendations_ algorithm, I have had great success with the #TachibanaSHSBand .
@ThatMarkRoberts I found that accidentally coming across something that is widespread on YouTube, such as the #TachibanaSHSBand, banjanxes the algorithmic recommendations. I used to get lots of U.S. politics recommendations from rubbish sources. No more.
Today, take out your mobile 'phones and tablets. Look at their apps lists for 1 minute. Delete the Twitter app. Try to counter the muscle memory of reaching for it every 2 minutes. Try to ignore all news about it from yesterday for a whole day.
Watch the tuba players, flutists, and trombonists of the #TachibanaSHSBand all dancing the steps too. Think about the moments of inertia of their instruments.
#twitterdown #physics #slowlife #tachibanashsband
It's the Shimane Prefecture Izumo Commercial High School Band recommended by YouTube again, this morning.
Seeing a group of tuba players dancing on one leg in a Japanese shopping mall is unusual.
But it's the poor observations from the #cyclist who does not spot, until the last moment, an entire marching band dressed in bright pink coming the other way, that take the prize.
And I finally learn from the comments why YouTube recommends this to #TachibanaSHSBand viewers.
I used to get all sorts of U.S. politics recommendations, until one day I was recommended a #TachibanaSHSBand video and watched it. That, similarly, is something _huge_ on YouTube, albeit little heard of in the U.K..
Having watched several of those, and another band that then started to get recommended, I have now banjanxed YouTube's recommendation algorithm. No more U.S. politics recommendations. No Young Turks. No Brian Tyler "Clickbait" Cohen.
Then YouTube recommended the same event to me but from a different camera. (-:
#TachibanaSHSBand has successfully pushed U.S. politics out of my YouTube recommendations and banjanxed the algorithm, and now I get this.
It's from 5 years ago; if I read the comments correctly, just before a football match.
The insect noise is loud at one point.
@grimethorpeband should be alerted to the fact that even the tuba & glock players dance the same steps as the flutists, including on one leg at the end.
And none of the twirling trombonists hit anything.
What @marylaystories said. (-:
Follow people who just re-post Twitter, and you'll get nothing more than a poor re-creation of bad Twitter.
Look at your local timeline, find some people who look interesting. Follow them. See what they boost.
Follow hashtags. like #WildlifePhotography or #FensterFreitag or #TachibanaSHSBand . (-:
#WildLifePhotography #Fensterfreitag #tachibanashsband
The banjanxing of the YouTube algorithm proceeds apace, with #TachibanaSHSBand videos now leading to recommendations of the Shimane Prefecture Izumo Commercial High School Band.
The sound quality here is pretty poor compared to some of the outdoor recordings, which either must be bad placement of the microphones or the arena acoustics.
This particular video does show something fairly well: the bass drum and #tuba players are dancing the same steps as the flutists.
And since I watched a #TachibanaSHSBand video a while back, YouTube is still giving me videos of Japanese high school marching bands. This one isn't in a department store, though.
I'm down to it only recommending 1 U.S. politics video to me now, though. So I've almost banjanxed the algorithm.
Other Japanese school bands exist of course. If ever you found yourself wanting to see a dancing marching band performing a Scissor Sisters number in a shop, YouTube can help. (-:
This will really banjanx the algorithm.
#tachibanashsband #ScissorSisters
If the #YouTube algorithm is recommending too much #UKPolitics to you, and you want to throw it for a loop, watch a couple of Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School Band videos. You'll be getting them recommended instead. A lot. The band is possibly one of the bigger things that you've never heard of in the U.K..
This is them when they travelled to Taiwan back in October 2022 to perform at Taiwan National Day.
#youtube #ukpolitics #tachibanashsband