#Wanzenfliegen (Phasia hemiptera) legen ihre Eier an Baumwanzen (Gattungen Palomena und Pentatoma) ab. Die Larven fressen sich anschließend in die Wanze hinein und führen zu deren Tod.
#artenvielfalt #diptera #insects #Tachinidae #Raupenfliegen #insekten #nature #natur #fliegen
#wanzenfliegen #Artenvielfalt #diptera #insects #tachinidae #raupenfliegen #insekten #nature #natur #fliegen
I came across this old photo of a handsome tachinid fly that I never identified. I love the stepped geometric black and white pattern on his abdomen. He's sitting on a wingstem (Verbesina alternifolia).
#fly #flies #tachinidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #photography #nature
#fly #flies #tachinidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #photography #nature
A handsome "swift feather legged fly" (Trichopoda pennipes). See his elegant fringes?
Dipterists definitely missed a good naming opportunity here. He should have been a "Fast Feather Footed Fly."
#fly #flies #tachinidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #photography
#fly #flies #tachinidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #photography
A female Gymnoclytia on a daisy. The females are black and white. The males are brown and orange.
#fly #flies #tachinidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #photography #pollinators #flowers #FlowersOfMastodon
#fly #flies #tachinidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #photography #pollinators #flowers #FlowersOfMastodon
Flies galore, of the parasitoid kind:
Tachinid fly, Gymnostoma rotundanum http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/165099855 . The #Tachinidae lay eggs on the surface of their host—often other insects—with such strong glue that removing the egg would kill the host. Often even drop larvae directly on the hosts.
Thick-headed fly, Physocephala visatta http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/165098840 The #Conopidae are internal parasites of bees and wasps—intercepting them in mid flight, the female’s abdomen has a “can opener” to insert an egg between the abdominal tergites of the host.
Beefly, Lasiopa sp. http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/165105614 The #Bombylidae drop their eggs while in flight near the entrance of solitary bee nests. The larvae crawl in and take over the bee’s resources of nectar and pollen, either starving or directly eating the bee larva.
All the adults happily sip nectar; the larvae, meanwhile, rival parasitoid wasps in their lifestyle and effectiveness.
#crete #diptera #insects #entomology #inaturalist #bombylidae #conopidae #tachinidae
Female specimens of a Tachinid fly that I have been collecting since 2014, plotted agains month of the year. As you can see there are two generations in the year.
#phenology #tachinidae #diptera
A bristly tachinid fly visits a purple aster. Flies are underappreciated pollinators.
#fly #flies #tachinidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #nature #photography #macrophotography #plants #pollinators #sunshine
#fly #flies #tachinidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #nature #photography #macrophotography #plants #pollinators #sunshine
A very bristly little fingertip tachinid for #FlyFriday.
#fly #flies #tachinidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #nature #photography #macrophotography
#flyfriday #fly #flies #tachinidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #nature #photography #macrophotography
A Gymnosoma, sitting on a leaf, waiting for someone to photograph him.
#fly #flies #FlyFriday #flyday #diptera #tachinidae #insects #arthropods #nature #photography
#fly #flies #flyfriday #flyday #diptera #tachinidae #insects #arthropods #nature #photography
A Gymnosoma suns his chubby naked bottom while sitting on a spray of goldenrod.
#fly #flies #tachinidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #nature #photography
#fly #flies #tachinidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #nature #photography
Two Gymnoclytia occidua, mating. On the top is the fancy, colorful male. On the bottom is the elegant black-and-white female. He rests his forearms on her eyes. ("Peekaboo! Guess who?")
#fly #flies #tachinidae #insects #nature #photography #arthropods
#fly #flies #tachinidae #insects #nature #photography #arthropods
This bat-like fly is another feather-legged fly. This guy is Trichopoda lanipes. He's enjoying some euonymus blossoms. He's another not-particularly-bristly tachinid.
#fly #flyday #flyfriday #flies #tachinidae #insects #diptera #nature #photography
#fly #flyday #flyfriday #flies #tachinidae #insects #diptera #nature #photography
A "swift feather-legged #fly" (Trichopoda pennipes), which anyone who appreciated alliteration would have named "feather-footed". Another slim, elegant #tachinidae fly. For #InverteFest .
#fly #tachinidae #InverteFest #diptera #insects #nature #photography #flies
A belated post for #FlyFriday (#fly #friday #flyday): A handsome Xanthomelanodes on a spray of goldenrod. I think of #tachinidae as typically bristly and chunky, but there are really a lot of them that are sleek and elegant like this fellow.
#flyfriday #fly #friday #flyday #tachinidae #diptera #insects #nature #photography
@catselbow Indeed, tachinids are fascinating. I wonder, given how relatively understudied they are, whether their diversity is far larger than suspected, mirroring the case of parasitoid wasps. Namely, given that some are specialists and some generalists, and all insects and many other arthropods host at least one specialist wasp, the diversity of #Hymenoptera is predicted to be far larger than even that of beetles.
Forbes et al. 2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12898-018-0176-x
#tachinidae #diptera #entomology #hymenoptera
@lili In landscapes free of pesticides and mostly left alone but for some cattle and horses, such as where I found these tachinid flies, the abundance and diversity of arthropods is quite high, kept in check by parasites and other predators. Hence the abundance in species and numbers of tachinids. I found 4, or perhaps 5, species of #Tachinidae near the village of Nevà and on the mountains South of it, the "Serra de Montgrony":
#iNaturalist #diptera #entomology
#entomology #diptera #inaturalist #tachinidae
Flies that catch my attention: tachinids (Tachinidae), almost all of them with larvae that parasitize other arthropods, and often colourful. All from the #Pyrenees:
Gymnosoma sp., gorgeous in red
Ectophasia sp., patterned in red, black and white https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/127595346
Nowickia sp., red, hairy, and rather large and fleshy https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/127627699
#iNaturalist #diptera #tachinidae #insects #entomology #Pirineus #entomologia
#entomologia #pirineus #entomology #insects #tachinidae #diptera #inaturalist #pyrenees
Els taquínids són dipters parasitoides. Aquest és un exemplar de Tachina sp.
Tachinids are parasitoid Diptera. This one is a specimen of Tachina sp.
#tachinidae #diptera #brachycera #insects #insectes #insectos #insekten #entomology #macrophotography #makro #macro #photography #nature #wildlife #wildlifephotography #animals #biodiversity #natura #natur #naturaleza #olympus
#tachinidae #diptera #brachycera #insects #insectes #insectos #insekten #entomology #macrophotography #makro #macro #photography #nature #wildlife #wildlifephotography #animals #biodiversity #natura #natur #naturaleza #olympus
Els taquínids són dipters parasitoides. Aquest és un exemplar de Tachina sp.
Tachinids are parasitoid Diptera. This one is a specimen of Tachina sp.
#tachinidae #diptera #brachycera #insects #insectes #insectos #insekten #entomology #macrophotography #makro #macro #photography #nature #wildlife #wildlifephotography #animals #biodiversity #natura #natur #naturaleza #olympus
#tachinidae #diptera #brachycera #insects #insectes #insectos #insekten #entomology #macrophotography #makro #macro #photography #nature #wildlife #wildlifephotography #animals #biodiversity #natura #natur #naturaleza #olympus