0 charm
0 charisma
0 attributes
0 ethics
0 intelligence
0 integrity
0 chances of winning
Oh & will someone ask him to ask his wife #TackyO what she did with the $9M from the Hurricane Ian Relief Fund?
Bravo @ProjectLincoln
How can you mount a charm offensive when you are totally lacking in charm?
Not sure how he conned the people of FL but he's a terribly unlikable human & his wife #TackyO is no better
#Tallahassee Mussolini & #TackyO can not wait to do to the other 49 states what they are doing to FL
Stop Ron #DeFascist & the rest of his fellow #GOPFascists & pledge to #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy
#VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #GOPfascists #defascist #tackyo #tallahassee #NoLiesDetected