RT @mexopolis
congrats to my beloved @revolvertaco for being featured on the Dallas episode of #tacochronicles !!!
TV TONIGHT (November 23)
#WednesdayNetflix #Echo3 #BumperInBerlin #Shaq #Andor #Chucky #GoodNightOppy #TacoChronicles #LessonPlan #ChristmasOnMistletoe #Survivor #SistasOnBET #Moonshiners #AEWDynamite #CourtCam #LEGOMasters #ShermansShowcase #NHL
#nhl #shermansshowcase #LegoMasters #courtcam #aewdynamite #moonshiners #sistasonbet #survivor #christmasonmistletoe #lessonplan #tacochronicles #goodnightoppy #chucky #andor #Shaq #bumperinberlin #Echo3 #wednesdaynetflix
I am also a talking head on the current season of #TacoChronicles. #tacos #tacojournalism #journalism
#tacochronicles #tacos #tacojournalism #journalism
RT @TacoTrail@twitter.com
Hey, look, it's me on @NetflixLAT@twitter.com #tacochronicles. I was interviewed for the Dallas and San Antonio episodes and must be saying something passionate here. #cronicasdeltaco #tacoeditor
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TacoTrail/status/1595452345743466496
#tacoeditor #cronicasdeltaco #tacochronicles
RT @LaVitaminaT@twitter.com
A behind-the-scenes series of mementos from the production of season 3 of #TacoChronicles streaming now on @netflix@twitter.com
Thank you to the show’s creators and producers for doing just like #tacos do in bringing #Mexicans together across time & space with this magnificent documentary.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LaVitaminaT/status/1595347522276495363
#mexicans #tacos #tacochronicles
What am I doing to myself, watching #tacochronicles at 5am... lol...got to hit #wahaka in #brighton on the 29th when we go down to watch #aljaz and #janette at the Dome 😀
#tacochronicles #wahaka #Brighton #aljaz #janette