Electroosmotic Haptics for More Tactile Touch Devices https://hackaday.com/2023/05/02/electroosmotic-haptics-for-more-tactile-touch-devices/ #MultitouchHacks #tactilefeedback #hardware #haptics #touch
#multitouchhacks #tactilefeedback #hardware #haptics #touch
Tactile Feedback in VR, No Cumbersome Gloves Or Motors Required https://hackaday.com/2023/04/26/tactile-feedback-in-vr-no-cumbersome-gloves-or-motors-required/ #tactilefeedback #VirtualReality #WearableHacks #haptics #touch #vr
#tactilefeedback #VirtualReality #wearablehacks #haptics #touch #vr
Tactile Feedback in VR, No Cumbersome Gloves Or Motors Required - This clever research from the University of Chicago’s Human Computer Integration L... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/26/tactile-feedback-in-vr-no-cumbersome-gloves-or-motors-required/ #tactilefeedback #virtualreality #wearablehacks #haptics #touch #vr
#vr #touch #haptics #wearablehacks #virtualreality #tactilefeedback
Day 1/42
40 minutes on the rower, took all my supplements like a grownup, drank water like it was my #job
and got some #yoga in before bed.
I even made myself a little chart so I can cross my things off. #tactilefeedback is a winner!