The Starving Met™
Line forming in West/Central #NYwx, heading towards areas hard hit on Sunday and still super saturated. The #wind is already picking up in #ALBwx County.
Link to post with radar animation:
#tadd #turnarounddontdrown #albwx #wind #nywx
Last year, 38% of all flood fatalities were vehicle related. Watch this video to understand why driving into floodwaters is so dangerous. Turn Around Don’t Drown! #mewx #Floodsafety #TADD
Moderate to brief heavy rain will continue to move over Ventura and Los Angeles Counties thru the early evening hours. Minor flooding is likely to occur in urban areas along with small stream flooding. Rainfall rates of 0.30-0.50 inch per hour will be common. #TADD #CAwx #LArain
Think twice before you drive around barricades and/or through flooded roadways. #TurnAroundDontDrown #TADD #FSPW2023 #gawx
#turnarounddontdrown #tadd #fspw2023 #gawx
It's Day 2 of #FloodSafety Preparedness Week. Did you know more deaths occur due to flooding than from any other thunderstorm related hazard? And most of these happen in vehicles. Don't risk your safety or the safety of others! #FSPW2023 #TADD #gawx
#floodsafety #fspw2023 #tadd #gawx
@NWStulsa: [10:50 AM 2/8/23] With flooding anticipated across the area through tonight, please remember that driving through flooded roadways or walking through moving flood water is NEVER advisable! TURN AROUND, DON"T DROWN! #okwx #arwx #tadd