@christof @quinnanya also I am not sure if #TaDiRAH is or should be a strict tree. I might be wrong, but I vaguely remember that some terms have multiple parents (need to look into the JSON though)
@luiseborek @quinnanya I cannot attend the #TaDiRAH workshop at #DH2023 but wanted to share that we recently linked those terms within TaDiRAH that pointed to a Wikidata item back from Wikidata to the TaDiRAH URIs using P9309. Unfortunately it turned out that 26 items had been created at some point solely for the purpose of TaDiRAH pointing to them. But whoever created these items in Wikidata forgot to add labels (or any useful information at all) and thus they were consequently deleted by house-keeping bots. As QIds themselves cannot be reassigned, TaDiRAH would need to update its data set by deleting references to the now obsolete Wikidata IDs. I can provide the list of terms/items if needed.
Today, the #DARIAH vocabs services are down (e.g. for #TaDiRAH https://vocabs.dariah.eu/tadirah/en/). Thus breaking all links in our #LinkedOpenData
#digitalhumanities #lod #linkedopendata #tadirah #dariah
This #DayOfDH2023 was a day of joyful collaboration to build open infrastructures for tool and method registries on top of (or rather in) Wikidata. Talking data models, SPARQL, APIs, and trying to get #OpenRefine to push our mapping of the #TaDiRAH taxonomy to #Wikidata.
Finally, I spent the bigger part of the day with my kids and, later on my partner, before briefly sitting down to scheme for the new #ADHO #SIG #MultilingualDH, which I have the honour to co-chair with Merve Tekgüler.
There is also things I would have liked to do but couldn’t, namely attending the 9th conference of the Islamicate DH Network (@idhn) or the open research colloquium at @DigitalHistory
#lod #digitalhumanities #MultilingualDH #sig #ADHO #wikidata #tadirah #openrefine #dayofdh2023
A brief look into the classification of #ResearchTools in the SSH Open Marketplace with the #TaDiRAH 2.0 taxonomy. This gives some first ideas into the focus of tools listed here as well as on #TAPoR
#tapor #tadirah #researchtools
Welcome @tadirah ! May I immediately pose a question?
We are currently looking into how to use the #TaDiRAH taxonomy for tagging tools in #Wikidata. As it happens there is a TaDiRAH property (https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P9309), which, however, seems to be intended for mirroring the TaDiRAH taxonomy on Wikidata. There is only a grand total of 9 items in Wikidata tagged with this property and was established in 2021 by Adam Schiff (not that one) from the University of Washington, Seattle.
Would anyone at @tadirah be willing to support creation of a different property for classifying tools, methods etc. through referencing TaDiRAH URIs?
#DigitalHumanities #LinkedOpenData #LOD #AuthorityControl #DH @dh
#dh #authoritycontrol #lod #linkedopendata #digitalhumanities #wikidata #tadirah