A successful round of Tadoku completed! This has been my highest personal score so far since I’ve joined Tadoku contests. The last highest number of pages I read was around 600. My Japanese reading will slow down a bit as I catch up on my native language novels (library books and personal ones) and also focus on writing my own novel. ☺️ #JapaneseLanguage #Tadoku
ヒロアカを海外の友達と観に行くので一緒に行くことになった次女が、アニメしか見たことないからと言って突如#Rangakuで英語ヒロアカを読み始め 、時折セリフを音読している。感情たっぷりにセリフをしゃべっているところが良い~😂 漫画は最強!私も予習しておこっと!
#tadoku # 多読
Latest read. Aliens for Dinner by Stephanies Spinner; Stepping Stones series. The two little guys work together to save the earth from pollution loving aliens, who are planning to turn the earth into toxic wast Funland, because now the earth is the most polluted planet in the sector of galaxies, they say.
I’m not only running the #Japanese #bookclub at my university, I’ve also created the website www.dokushoclub.com with all Japanese reading resources I gathered over the last 2 years.
I noticed that a big issue for learners was finding the right text, book or #manga for their abilities, so everything is listed by #JLPT level and I comment on #furigana, grammar and the range of vocabulary in my #bookreview s.
#ExtensiveReading #tadoku #多読 #japanischeBücher #japaneseBooks
#japanese #bookclub #manga #JLPT #furigana #bookreview #ExtensiveReading #tadoku #多読 #japanischebücher #japaneseBooks