El Team Chile de Taekwondo logró 12 medallas en el Argentina Open 🥋🥇🥈🥉
Revisa la nota en https://eldeportero.cl/el-team-chile-de-taekwondo-logro-12-medallas-en-el-argentina-open/
#taekwondo #Chile #deporte #deportes
1/ I was at #TaeKwonDo today, and I had a realization that has probably been too long in coming.
I'm about one year into TKD as an adult (over 40). I suck.† I don't think I suck particularly more or less than any other middle aged guy with my experience, but still, I'm not good. I keep training because almost everything I really value in my life came more from not quitting than any innate ability.
Meanwhile, I'm an #educator at the #university level.
#taekwondo #educator #university
Ihmettelin, että mitä nämä on nämä eri maaväreihin pukeutuneet ihmiset, jotka täällä kaupungilla pyörii, mutta ne olikin ne Taekwondon MM-kisat jotka alkoi Pirkkahallissa tänään!
TIL that the five tenets of #taekwondo include these two: “self-control”, and “indomitable spirit”.
in·dom·i·ta·ble (ĭn-dŏm′ĭ-tə-bəl) adj. Incapable of being overcome, subdued, or vanquished; unconquerable. Incapable of being subdued : UNCONQUERABLE.
How do you control something like that?
Conclusion: taekwondo is impossible.
Tu es sur Nantes et tu veux pratiquer un sport sympa et dynamique, n’hésite pas à venir essayer début septembre !
Tout niveaux, tous âges 🦶 👊
#nantes #tkd #taekwondo
PS : Le Mercredi est idéal pour compenser les #MardiPatisserie @athenavocat 😇
#nantes #tkd #taekwondo #MardiPatisserie
Fuck yes. 4 hours training and 90 minutes grading today. Passed two belts. 🥋 #taekwondo #martialarts #oldgit
#taekwondo #martialarts #oldgit
Congratulations to former national coach for Dansk #TaeKwonDo Forbund, #KoTaiJeong , 75 today Many best wishes
Hallo #cccamp23 ! Smol reminder that in a little over an hour, @aura and myself are organising a #martialarts get together.
Meeting is 15:30 next to the Eventphone tent.
Come if you want to learn, share, have a bit of a workout (bring water!! #drinkmorewater) or just be a curious observer. We will find a shady spot and take it from there.
See you soon!
#jiujitsu #taekwondo #judo #karate
#karate #judo #taekwondo #jiujitsu #drinkmorewater #martialarts #cccamp23
Don't let anybody tell you you're too old to start getting back some of what you had in your youth. As evidence, I present myself launching someone much less than half my age into the air with a side kick. (He's unhurt, it was all in good fun, he won the overall match. He won't try to superman punch me again, though.)
I restarted #TaeKwonDo after about a 20 year hiatus, and I'm feeling better about it than ever.
Working on a version of the ITF Tul Gae-baek but utilizing my walking stick as a weapon within the form. Interesting application and a chance to apply what I've learned in a completely personal exploration
Jeg er #taekwondo instruktør og prøver gjennom det å gi utøvere i alle aldre bedre styrke, balanse og bevegelighet. Starter man tidlig i livet med allsidig #trening legger man et solid grunnlag for resten av livet men som alt annet så må det holdes ved like. Det skal være like gøy å begynne som å fortsette å trene, og #kampsport kan tilføre en ekstra dimensjon ved at man blir bedre i stand til #selvforsvar .
#taekwondo #trening #kampsport #selvforsvar
That's the third 2nd dan pattern stored in my head... all 3 memorised in 3 months. They need a lot of finesse, but pretty pleased I'm not just standing there clueless in class when asked to do our current patterns. #TaeKwonDo
Quisiera seguir todas estas etiquetas de un solo "golpe" 😅
Pero no tengo idea si se puede 🤔
#Jesus #Jesús #Yisus #christian #cristianismo #cristiandad #Dios #God #reformedtheology #teología #teologíareformada #theology #Biblia #Bible #Puritans #Puritan #PuritanTheology
#highschool #juniorhighschool #middleschool #matemática #math #teaching #enseñanza #educación #education #ConcursoDocente2022 #magisteriocolombiano #MaestroRural
#movilidadsostenible, #sustainablemobility
#Husqvarna #KTM #RoyalEnfield #GasGas #motorbike #motorcycle #motos
#barba #beards #beard #beardstyle #beardlife #beardporn #beardsofmastodon #beardsofdiaspora #beardsoffriendica #bearded #beardgang #beardman #beards #beardlove #barba #barbudo #barberia #barbershop #barbaperfecta
#ovni #ufo #uap #alien #aliens #extraterrestre #extraterrestrial #extraterrestre
#heavymetal #rock #thrashmetal #christianrock #christianmetal
#Colombia #Argentina #Montería #Bucaramanga #Cali #BuenosAires #LaPlata
#ArtesMarcialesCoreanas #KoreanMartialArts #Taekwondo #Hapkido #Tangsudo #Taekkyeon #Gumdo #Ssireum #KukSoolWon #HanMuDo #무술 #무예 #태권도 #합기도 #당수도 #택견 #검도 #씨름 #한무도 #활 #검 #활과검 #궁수 #검사 #도마나무의파도
¿Eso se puede?
#jesus #yisus #christian #cristianismo #cristiandad #dios #god #reformedtheology #teologia #teologiareformada #theology #biblia #bible #puritans #puritan #puritantheology #highschool #juniorhighschool #middleschool #matematica #math #teaching #ensenanza #educacion #education #concursodocente2022 #magisteriocolombiano #maestrorural #movilidadsostenible #sustainablemobility #husqvarna #ktm #royalenfield #gasgas #motorbike #motorcycle #motos #barba #beards #beard #beardstyle #beardlife #beardporn #beardsofmastodon #beardsofdiaspora #beardsoffriendica #bearded #beardgang #beardman #beardlove #barbudo #barberia #barbershop #barbaperfecta #cats #dogs #ovni #ufo #uap #alien #aliens #extraterrestre #extraterrestrial #heavymetal #rock #thrashmetal #christianrock #christianmetal #colombia #argentina #monteria #bucaramanga #cali #buenosaires #laplata #artesmarcialescoreanas #koreanmartialarts #taekwondo #hapkido #tangsudo #taekkyeon #gumdo #ssireum #kuksoolwon #hanmudo #무술 #무예 #태권도 #합기도 #당수도 #택견 #검도 #씨름 #한무도 #활 #검 #활과검 #궁수 #검사 #도마나무의파도
took part in my first martial arts grading in 25 years today, and got rid of my white belt. the kid also got herself a shiny new belt too!
Viele gute Kämpfe der Lüchow-Dannenberger
22. Norddeutsche Vollkontaktmeisterschaften mit 79 Teilnehmenden aus neun TKD-Schulen in Lüchow
#Lüchow #Dannenberg #Lüchow #Oschudo #SportArt #Taekwondo #Weidemeyer
#luchow #dannenberg #oschudo #sportart #taekwondo #weidemeyer
El cine de #MarcoBerger es el sustituto perfecto a comer dulce de leche con los dedos porque ✨argentinos✨. Y a ver, que mucho mejor sería el catálogo de pollas que es #LosAgitadores cubiertas de dulce de leche, pero para el caso...
Esta le ha quedado #Taekwondo part 2 pero con algo más que sacar señores argentinos estupendos sin camiseta y en bañador y en pija. Consentimiento, bisexualidad, celos entre bros, mujeres listas...
#marcoberger #losagitadores #taekwondo
Uno di noi due rischia seriamente di andare alle Olimpiadi di #Paris2024 nel #taekwondo. Forza Mahdia Sharifi e forza #TeamRefugees ❤️
#worldrefugeeday2023 #WorldRefugeeDay #GiornataMondialedelRifugiato #Afghanistan #AfghanWomen #afghanyouth
#paris2024 #taekwondo #teamrefugees #worldrefugeeday2023 #worldrefugeeday #giornatamondialedelrifugiato #afghanistan #AfghanWomen #afghanyouth
Techniktraining mit dem dänischen National-Coach im hohen Norden
Eine Gruppe der Taekwondo-Schule Wendland des SV Eintracht Clenze war bei einem Lehrgang in Norwegen dabei
#Clenze #Clenze #Kampfkunst #Kampfsport #Taekwondo #Wendland
#clenze #kampfkunst #kampfsport #taekwondo #wendland
Styrke, koordniasjon og balanse er sentralt i #taekwondo. Selv om vi har ulikt utgangspunkt kan alle bli bedre uansett alder. #norsktut #helse