This winter I did some cool stuff with #Hnefatafl, an unsymmetric #viking board game that's been recreated. Our version forces the current player to make a capturing move if one exists. It's playable here: There is a deterministic path to victory on the Brandubh board for the Attackers in three moves. See if you can find it!
I've been having fun playing against the Medium "AI" on the Ard Rí board. (I lose most of the time.)
We showed that the general game of Forced-Capture Hnefatafl is PSPACE-hard:
#tafl #tablut #combinatorialgames #viking #hnefatafl
The rules for the Sámi #tafl game Tablut were written down by Carl #Linnaeus in 1732, who learned to play it on a board embroidered on reindeer hide with pieces made in traditional Sámi #boardgame #duodji style.
Among the Lule #Sámi words he wrote down, "tuichu" (dujgu) is somewhat mysterious as its literal meaning is uncertain. "Dujgu" was said when a player positioned their King so that it had not just one but two open paths to escape the board, winning.
#tafl #linnaeus #boardgame #duodji #sami #indigenousgames
Ensinado meus alunos a jogar Talf, também convencido o com xadrez viking, o Cerco ao Rei.
#tafl #xadrezviking #cercoaorei
Cheap #tafl board and pieces with bolts and nuts. Scottish Ard-Ri version.
Played the ancient #Brandub game with modern #minis with my father yesterday. #Dwarves and #Goblins #miniatures from #GamesWorkshop #Oldhammer and #Wizkids #MageKnight.
See for information about #tafl games
#brandub #minis #dwarves #goblins #miniatures #gamesworkshop #oldhammer #wizkids #mageknight #tafl