Smuggler portraits:
Hamza Haddi is one of thousands of #smugglers arrested in the EU. Because he steered the boat on which he and three others - including his own brother - crossed the Evros River to Greece, he was found guilty of smuggling and imprisoned. Listen to his story:
#smugglers #borderlineeurope #tagdesschmuggels #fightbordersnotsmugglers
Schmuggler-Portraits: Hamza Haddi, inhaftiert in Griechenland
Hamza Haddi ist einer der tausenden Schmuggler*innen, die die EU verhaftet. Weil er das Boot steuerte, mit dem er und drei weitere Personen - darunter sein eigener Bruder - den Fluss Evros nach Griechenland überquerten, wurde er des Schmuggels für schuldig befunden und inhaftiert. Hört euch seine Geschichte an:
#borderlineeurope #tagdesschmuggels #fightbordersnotsmugglers
RT @BorderlineEurop
📺Smuggler portraits: Hamza Haddi is one of thousands of #smugglers arrested in the EU. Because he steered the boat on which he and three others - including his own brother - crossed the Evros River to Greece, he was found guilty of smuggling and imprisoned. 1/4
RT @BorderlineEurop: At the end of the day, smuggling is a service that is necessary due to the lack of freedom of movement and safe escape routes.
Therefore, we demand: Fight the EU border regime and not smuggling!
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RT @BorderlineEurop
📺 Smuggler portraits: Homayoun Sabetara is one of thousands of #smugglers arrested in the EU. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison in Greece. Listen to his story - told by his daughter Mahtab. 1/4
RT @BorderlineEurop
📺 Smuggler portraits: Homayoun Sabetara is one of thousands of #smugglers arrested in the EU. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison in Greece. Listen to his story - told by his daughter Mahtab. 1/4
RT @BorderlineEurop
Mahtabs Vater wurde in Griechenland wegen #Schmuggel zu 18 Jahren Haft verurteilt.
Hört rein in "Raus aus dem Regime - Rein in den Knast", wo sie davon erzählt und davon, warum der Kampf der EU gegen Schmuggler heuchlerisch ist:
Lasst uns alle wie Lisa Fittko sein.
RT @BorderlineEurop
Today we celebrate and remember International Feminist Struggle + Resistance! Every day flinta* struggle against patriarchy, capitalism & borders all over the world: Lisa Fittko was a resistance fighter, a socialist, a refugee & a smuggler.. 1/4
#8MarchWomensDay #TagDesSchmuggels
#8marchwomensday #tagdesschmuggels
RT @BorderlineEurop
🤯H. Elfallah, the fisherman from Egypt, was sentenced this morning to 280 years. He was found guilty, although the court "took into account his reasons." Absurdly, a "good" result considering that he had risked up to 10 years per transported person. 1/4 #TagdesSchmuggels
(@BorderlineEurop) RT by @FRNRW: 1 year ago, Russia began its attack on Ukraine. Thousands of people were forced to flee. Helping them cross the border was not only no longer illegal, it was applauded. At the same time, assisting ppl at the Belarusian border was criminalized as smuggling. 1/5
(@BorderlineEurop) RT by @FRNRW: And we want to shift the focus back to the actual problem: the EU border regime.
More to follow! Stay up to date about our campaign on our channels or on our website:
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