Tip of the day: One of the methods of organizing data is tagging. Supported by #DEVONthink as well as in some other applications, including the Finder, tags can provide contextual relationships between items, either broadly or narrowly defined. Here is a simple way to think about tags. #productivity #tagging #tipoftheday https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20210831-understanding-tagging
#devonthink #productivity #tagging #tipoftheday
But yes, people are terrible at hashtagging (myself included), and it eats into limited post space in many instances (and don't forget yelling at people for "overtagging"), so as an opt-in feature I think this is a good step forward. It's likely going to significantly increase demands on instance hosting, though. #search #tagging
My new favourite art tagging game 🖼️🎨 🖌️
#tagging #arthistory #art #ARTtigo #metadata
ARTigo is a collaborative platform and an example of open university research in which you participate as a player. All ARTigo games work like this: You are presented with an image. The goal is to describe this image within a certain time with keywords (tags) in such a way that as many points as possible are scored. For more information about this website visit https://www.artigo.org/en/about
#tagging #ArtHistory #art #arttigo #MetaData
My new favourite art tagging game :octo_happy:
#tagging #arthistory #art #ARTtigo #metadata
ARTigo is a collaborative platform and an example of open university research in which you participate as a player. All ARTigo games work like this: You are presented with an image. The goal is to describe this image within a certain time with keywords (tags) in such a way that as many points as possible are scored. For more information about this website visit https://www.artigo.org/en/about
#tagging #ArtHistory #art #arttigo #MetaData
Tip of the day: Sometimes we use several names for the same thing, like nicknames, acronyms and so on. In #DEVONthink you can use such aliases for documents and other objects, for example tags. Here we show you how that works and what you can do with them. #paperless #pkm #productivity #tagging #tipoftheday #workflow https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20230425-aliases
#devonthink #paperless #pkm #productivity #tagging #tipoftheday #workflow
Does anyone have a non-cloud method of tagging and managing their photos? 📸🚫☁
Tip of the day: Many people use tags as a way to add some context to their documents. We have blogged on the subject more than once, but one option some people may not be aware of is nested (or hierarchical) tags. These are tags with child tags, or related tags within tags. Here’s how you can make and use them in #DEVONthink. #pkm #productivity #tagging #tipoftheday https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20220809-nested-tags
#devonthink #pkm #productivity #tagging #tipoftheday
Tip of the day: Sometimes we use several names for the same thing, like nicknames, acronyms and so on. In #DEVONthink you can use such aliases for documents and other objects, for example tags. Here we show you how that works and what you can do with them. #paperless #pkm #productivity #tagging #tipoftheday #workflow https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20230425-aliases
#devonthink #paperless #pkm #productivity #tagging #tipoftheday #workflow
#Finding can be learned … instant tips for #better #search results in your job - #faster:
1. #WhatToFind?
People, Documents, Data, Pics, Rules, Tools, Processes
2. #WhereToSearch?
shoes = wardrobe, fork = kitchen
3. #WhatDoYouKnow?
from whom, when created / updated, keywords, status, contents, file-format
4. #HowToQualify?
version, trusted source, still relevant
5. #HowToFindItAgain?
bookmarks, tagging, saved search filters
6. #HowToImproveMyContent?
formatting, title, #tagging, #socialsharing
#finding #better #search #faster #whattofind #wheretosearch #whatdoyouknow #howtoqualify #howtofinditagain #howtoimprovemycontent #tagging #socialsharing
🗳️ Voting is now open on #Tagging Proposal:
Extended #Playground Equipment to add more device values for playground tagging.
Closes: 2023-07-14
✅Detailed tagging is always good; although, can be time consuming. As mom&map user, I would appreciate to see on the map are details on #accessibility e.g. indoor/outdoor, playground open hours if indoor, if for specific ages, if there's nearby potty, water drinking and breastfeeding facilities, etc...
#tagging #playground #OpenStreetMap #accessibility
Ooops... I did it again... In doing #sysadmin on my #aws #cloud #infrastructure, I found one of my resources non-compliant on one of the member accounts. Report generating to locate the resource for remediation in line with #tagging #policies... #cloud #bestpractices ... have a great weekend all and stay tuned for updates.... https://maolte.ie
#sysadmin #aws #cloud #infrastructure #tagging #policies #bestpractices
Tip of the day: The Database Properties popover in #DEVONthink has, among many other things, controls for per-database tagging behavior. Here’s what those options do. #pkm #productivity #tagging #tipoftheday https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20211019-devonthink-tag-options
#devonthink #pkm #productivity #tagging #tipoftheday
Just tried doing a search for "automatically tag photos" and discovered that there's nothing left on the web but sites generated by #ChatGPT. Search is dead. Anybody know a good tool for automatically tagging photos?
A short online demo of the #filetags method for #filemanagement https://karl-voit.at/demo-filetags-intro
#filetags #filemanagement #publicvoit #pim #tags #tagging
Just had a thought about hashtags on mastodon, so I decided to write it up as a feature suggestion. I look forward to reading your input on it too!
#mastodonmeta #meta #tagging #search #mastodon
The inventor of the #zettelkasten system (Niklas Luhmann) once said that after some decades (!) of feeding his paper slip archive, consulting it felt like a dialogue with a friend. He got new ideas from it by making associations he had not thought of before.
#Tagging within an application or service alone has a lot of potential already. I wonder what might happen if we would allow tags to connect across applications and platforms in terms of inspiring new ideas.
💭 Idea: Cross-application tagging.
I'm using a local programs or self-hosted services that support #tagging of content and allow (API) access to it.
Imagine things like Firefox and Wallabag bookmarks, project management and personal wiki in OrgMode. (In theory also #Fediverse posts, but for private things I'm a bit more informal atm.)
🤔 I wonder whether there might be some value in automatically generated overviews that allow making a connection between bits of content across applications.
💭 Idea: Cross-application tagging.
I'm using a local programs or self-hosted services that support #tagging of content and allow (API) access to it.
Imagine things like Firefox and Wallabag bookmarks, project management and personal wiki in OrgMode. (In theory also #Fediverse posts, but for private things I'm a bit more informal atm.)
Can you add extra meta data to images in the same way you can with music files?
Like, could you make an app that reads the GPS coordinates from the EXIF data, looks up the human readable name of the place of those coordinates, and adds that info to the meta data, so that any application that wants could read this position data and let you search for images taken in for example Oslo, Norway, or even in the Grünerløkka part of Oslo?
#somebodymakethis #exif #metadata #tagging