Jon Bowie · @JonBowie
182 followers · 531 posts · Server
Chad Jordahl :mtdiablo: :oski: · @cjordahl
334 followers · 1388 posts · Server

I liked this episode of the : a behind-the-scenes look at the famous "The Force" with a little boy who walks around his house trying to move objects by telekinetic power like Darth Vader. Nothing moves. He goes outside to dad's car, and just as the boy makes "the force" hand motion the dad starts the car's engine with the remote, and it blows the kid's little mind. It's funny and cute.

#tagline #podcast #volkswagen #ad

Last updated 2 years ago

Patrick Stewart · @patrickstewart
543 followers · 453 posts · Server

I made minor changes to my layout. It's a little shorter now, with not so much scrolling. I also changed up the title.

It used to say my name at the top, followed by "The Taoist Online" as a . But now it says...

The Taoist Online
Essays & Thoughts by Patrick Stewart

...with bars over & under the essay line.

I hope this is a little cleaner & too the point.

Please follow my Linktree if you'd like to support my work.

#website #header #tagline

Last updated 2 years ago

Chad Jordahl :mtdiablo: :oski: · @cjordahl
330 followers · 1310 posts · Server

Remember "The Most Interesting Man in the World" from Dos Equis commercials?

The "Tagline" podcast told the story behind the character, and quoted a bunch of the very funny lines they used over the years.

* If opportunity knocks and he's not home, opportunity waits
* Lime trees bear fruit on his command
* His 2 cents is worth 37 dollars and change
* It has never been his bad
* Mosquitos refuse to bite him purely out of respect

#podcast #tagline #dosequis

Last updated 2 years ago

Multiverse Of Badness · @multiverseofbadness
566 followers · 1077 posts · Server

..I mean, I'm not actively searching out on the or following any accounts that display it regularly...

..but if one shows up in one of my feeds with the right and user name and avatar, I'm not against clicking through the tag every now and again... 🤣

#cw #tagline #fediverse #nudity

Last updated 2 years ago

grin · @grin
127 followers · 1426 posts · Server

If your nose runs and your feet smell you're built upside down.


Last updated 2 years ago

What do people think of a for , being:

The real social network.

Good, bad ugly indifferent?

The 'h' in 'the' is the canine.
The 'e' in same = icon.
'E' in real = icon.
'A' in same = (reversed).
'O' in social = mouse.
T in network = improvised
W in same =
O in same = icon

Any better ideas.

#tagline #fediverse #epicyon #funkwhale #mastodon #peertube #lemmy #pleroma #writefreely #pixelfed #theRealSocialNetwork #streetart #billboard #carSticker #signage

Last updated 3 years ago

grin · @grin
108 followers · 1219 posts · Server

Dyslexics of the world, untie!


Last updated 5 years ago