Sevoris · @spinningthoughts
55 followers · 484 posts · Server

@alxlg also honestly, being able to administrate *any* and all files via a pkm tool would be extremely awesome. Tools like and or theBrain with their ability to manage other files (and with its reference nodes) meet parts of an itch I keep having about being unable to extend the ressources links and associations beyond my motes. I would really love to be able to deep-reference and see in graph view these things, see and manage metadata etc

#devonthink #tagspaces #orgroam

Last updated 1 year ago

Autist in Averageland · @ariane
250 followers · 867 posts · Server

@evelynyap You might want to try . It requires only a little time to grasp the working of Markdown, the tags and directories, but then, it is a really powerful tool. I've also spent close to 2 years looking for a replacement for OneNote (which I used very extensively....I wrote my PhD with it) and it was really not easy. But Zettlr (actually combined with ) is doing the trick for me now.

#tagspaces #zettlr

Last updated 5 years ago