R. A. Dehi · @radehi
21 followers · 101 posts · Server qoto.org

@publicvoit Well, I haven’t read all of it!

I think Agenda was relevant to the dissertation because (a) it organized items primarily with tags (called “categories”, with initial tagging of each new item applied using text matching rules and implication rules) and (b) it was the program the term “PIM” was invented to describe.

I agree about the drawbacks of the cloud. As the wise man said, there is no cloud; there are only other people’s computers. is a solution to the resulting loss of autonomy, but it’s not widely adopted.

I don’t think Flickr and del.icio.us were “totally different from PIM in almost [every] aspect”. Most people used them for managing their own photos and bookmarks, in precisely the way TagTrees was designed to be used; they didn’t allow you to apply or even suggest tags to other people’s photos or bookmarks. (On del you could bookmark someone else’s page, of course, with your own tags.)


Last updated 2 years ago

#FreeAssange - ɯɟʇɹ · @rtfm
450 followers · 1634 posts · Server mastodon.la

PERO soy optimista y tengo la esperanza que algun dev o estudiante de informatica tome el codigo de y lo mejore:

- reemplase(n) el codigo de con el de y agregue(n) el de ( ) y asi ahorrar almacenamiento

- Integre(n) para que el almacenamiento sea ademas distribuido

- Añada(n) como metodo para combatir el

- Agregue(n) la posibilidad de configurar para hacerlo mas divertido ➡ (5/final)

#twister #bitcoin #nano #monero #anonimato #privacidad #tahoelafs #WebOfTrust #Spam #bots #reflexion

Last updated 4 years ago

#FreeAssange - ɯɟʇɹ · @rtfm
450 followers · 1634 posts · Server mastodon.la

¿Que factores incidieron en su Fin?

A mi ver, en primer termino, el haber integrado el pesado codigo de provoco que ya a los 2 años de estar trabajando, los usuarios tuvieran que soportar hasta 2GB de datos en su disco duro

(Esto se podria haber evitado si se usa , que con su metodo distribuido de almacenamiento permite fragmentar los archivos, reduciendo la carga de cada nodo por sobre el 90%) 2/z

#bitcoin #tahoelafs

Last updated 4 years ago

Joseph Nuthalapati :fbx: · @njoseph
859 followers · 6159 posts · Server social.masto.host

@schlink @jonnydubowsky Syncing the kdbx files to an always-on device - like a server or a smartphone using Syncthing solved the problem of availability for me.

I've played with Tahoe-LAFS for a couple of days last year but didn't put it into serious use yet. There was a plan to have a cluster of FreedomBoxes run Tahoe-LAFS with all the users benefiting from the redundant storage on the cluster. This hasn't been tried out yet.

#syncthing #tahoelafs #freedombox #keepassxc

Last updated 6 years ago