Taifas ("factions" or "camps") were small independent Muslim kingdoms and principalities that emerged after the fall of hegemonic Muslim caliphates in al-Andalus – the Muslim-controlled part of the Iberian peninsula – during the High Middle Ages. https://www.worldhistory.org/Taifa/ #History #Al-Andalus #Taifa #UmayyadDynasty
#umayyaddynasty #taifa #al #History
The remembrances of Muslim al-Andalus in #Spain are many. But often you don't get the feeling that what's being represented is of much value personally to the people of the present who make those remembrances happen... simply because they aren't Muslim.
This statue of Jairán al-Amiri, the first ruler of the #Taifa (independent kingdom) of al-Mariyya (#Almería) from 1014 to 1028 CE, is a lovely exception. To me the expression on the face reflects love of and trust in Allah SWT. I don't normally respond much to Statues Of Notables, but this one nearly brought me to tears.
Unfortunately the sculptor is not identified on the plaque at the statue's feet.
#spain #taifa #almeria #Andalucia #islam #maghrib
Llibres lliures ( 12 )"MELÉ EN LAS GRADAS Reflexiones para la recuperación del deporte obrero"
Presentació a la llibreria #Taifa a carrec de l'autor del llibre Alberto Luque organitzat per Agita't Gràcia ( Grup d'agitació sociocultural )
En la presentación pensaba en vosotras @aldarull y sois del #barrio ❤️🖤